Karl Ianovich Bauman
Bauman, Karl Ianovich
Born Aug. 29, 1892, in the volost (small rural district) of Vilken, Latvia; died 1937. Soviet Party figure. Communist Party member from 1907. Born into a peasant family.
Bauman conducted Party work in Lemzel, Pskov, Kiev, and Saratov. He graduated from the Kiev Commercial Institute. He participated in the October Revolution of 1917 in Kiev. In December 1920, Bauman became secretary of the Kursk provincial committee of the RCP (Bolshevik). From 1923 he worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the RCP (B); in 1928 he became a member of the Organizing Bureau of the CPSU (Bolshevik), candidate member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, chief of the Central Committee’s Department for Work in the Countryside, and second secretary of the Moscow committee of the CPSU (B). In 1929 and 1930, Bauman was a secretary and first secretary of the Moscow committee of the CPSU (B). In 1930 he was a Central Committee secretary and member of the CPSU (B) Central Committee’s Organizing Bureau. From 1931 to 1934 he served as first secretary of the CPSU (B) Central Committee’s Middle Asian Bureau. In 1934 he became chief of the CPSU (B) Central Committee’s Department of Science and Scientific and Technological Discoveries and Inventions. Bauman was elected a member of the CPSU (B) Central Committee at the Fourteenth (1925) through Seventeenth (1934) Party Congresses. He was elected to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.