adductor pollicis muscle

ad·duc·tor pol·li·cis muscle

(ă-dŭk'tŏr pol'li-sis mŭs'ĕl) Origin, by two heads, the transverse head from the shaft of the third metacarpal and the oblique head from the front of the base of the second metacarpal, the trapezoid and capitate bones; insertion, medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb; action, adducts thumb; nerve supply, ulnar.
Synonym(s): musculus adductor pollicis [TA] .

adductor pollicis muscle

Hand muscle. Origin: capitate bone of wrist and metacarpals 2-3. Insertion: proximal phalanx of thumb and medial sesamoid bone. Nerve: ulnar (C8-T1. Action: adducts thumb, aides in opposition with digit 5. See also: muscle