Acronym | Definition |
IOI➣International Olympiad in Informatics |
IOI➣Island of Ireland |
IOI➣Interest on Investment (finance) |
IOI➣Innovative Online Industries |
IOI➣International Ocean Institute |
IOI➣Indian Ocean Islands |
IOI➣Institute of Informatics (various locations) |
IOI➣Indicator of Interest |
IOI➣International Ombudsman Institute (Canada) |
IOI➣Indication of Interest |
IOI➣Interuniversitair Oogheelkundig Instituut (Dutch) |
IOI➣Independent Opportunities, Inc. (Tulsa, OK) |
IOI➣Innovations in Optics, Inc. (Woburn, MA) |
IOI➣Identity of Interest |
IOI➣Item of Interest |
IOI➣Interonset Interval (music composition) |
IOI➣Israel Opportunity Investor (blog) |
IOI➣In Orbit Infrastructure |
IOI➣Interim Operating Instructions |
IOI➣Integrated Operating Instruction (specifically, how to start up or shut down a nuclear power plant) |
IOI➣Items of Importance |
IOI➣Internal Operating Instruction |
IOI➣Inter-Ocular Impact (hits you right between the eyes) |
IOI➣Item of Inspection |
IOI➣Internal Operating Income |