Iurii Danilov
Danilov, Iurii Nikiforovich
Born Aug. 13 (25), 1866, in Podol’sk Province; died Nov. 3. 1937. near Paris. Russian army officer and historian, promoted to general of the infantry in 1914.
Danilov graduated from the Mikhail Artillery College in 1886 and from the General Staff Academy in 1892. As deputy quartermaster (1908–09) and as quartermaster general (from 1909) of the Main Administration of the General Staff, he took part in drawing up the strategic plans of World War I (1914–18). When the war broke out. he was appointed quartermaster general under the supreme commander in chief; since N. N. Ianushkevich, the chief of staff, was totally incompetent, Danilov was virtually acting chief of staff. Appointed a corps commander in August 1915. Danilov subsequently was chief of staff of the Northern Front in 1916–17 and commander of the Fifth Army in 1917. He emigrated to France after the October Revolution. Danilov’s works on the history of World War I contain a wealth of factual material.
Rossiia ν pervoi mirovoi voine 1914–1915. Berlin, 1924.Russkie otriady na frantsuzskom i makedonskom frontakh: 1914–1916–1918. Paris. 1933.