

单词 io



I0220600 (ī′ō, ē′ō)n.1. Greek Mythology A maiden who was loved by Zeus and transformed by Hera into a heifer.2. One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter. It was first sighted by Galileo.
[Latin Īō, from Greek.]


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) British Indian Ocean Territory


(ˈaɪəʊ) n (Classical Myth & Legend) Greek myth a maiden loved by Zeus and turned into a white heifer by either Zeus or Hera


(ˈaɪəʊ) n (Celestial Objects) the innermost of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, displaying intense volcanic activity. Diameter: 3640 km; orbital radius: 422 000 km


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) ionium


(ˈaɪ oʊ, ˈi oʊ)

n. 1. (in Greek myth) a woman loved by Zeus and changed by him into a heifer, which Hera claimed and put under Argus' guardianship. 2. a large volcanically active moon of Jupiter.




Computers. input/output.


or i.o.,

indirect object.
Noun1.Io - (Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by ZeusIo - (Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by Zeus; when Hera was about to discover them together Zeus turned her into a white heiferGreek mythology - the mythology of the ancient Greeks2.Io - the closest of Jupiter's moons; has active volcanoes



(ī`ō), in astronomy, one of the 39 known moons, or natural satellites, of JupiterJupiter
, in astronomy, 5th planet from the sun and largest planet of the solar system. Astronomical and Physical Characteristics

Jupiter's orbit lies beyond the asteroid belt at a mean distance of 483.6 million mi (778.
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. Io is subject to Jupiter's enormous tidal forces and is, as a result, the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Its tenuous, mainly sulfur-dioxide atmosphere freezes and forms a solid when Io passes in Jupiter's shadow.


in Greek mythology, daughter of Inachus, king ofo Argos. She was loved by ZeusZeus
, in Greek religion and mythology, son and successor of Kronos as supreme god. His mother, Rhea, immediately after his birth concealed him from Kronos, who, because he was fated to be overthrown by one of his children, ate all his offspring.
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, who, to protect her from HeraHera
, in Greek religion and mythology, queen of the Olympian gods, daughter of Kronos and Rhea. She was the wife and sister of Zeus and the mother of Ares and Hephaestus. A jealous wife, she fought constantly with Zeus and plagued his mistresses and children.
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's jealousy, changed her into a white heifer. Hera, however, was not deceived; she claimed the heifer and sent ArgusArgus
or Argos
, in Greek mythology. 1 Many-eyed monster, also called Panoptes. He guarded Io after she had been changed into a heifer. After Hermes slew the monster, Hera took his eyes and placed them in the tail of her bird, the peacock.
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 to guard it. When HermesHermes,
in Greek religion and mythology, son of Zeus and Maia. His functions were many, but he was primarily the messenger of the gods, particularly of Zeus, and conductor of souls to Hades.
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 killed Argus, Hera tormented Io with a gadfly which drove her across Europe and through Asia, until she was finally allowed to rest in Egypt. There Zeus returned her to human form, and she bore his child Epaphus. Io has been identified with the Egyptian goddess IsisIsis
, nature goddess whose worship, originating in ancient Egypt, gradually extended throughout the lands of the Mediterranean world during the Hellenistic period and became one of the chief religions of the Roman Empire.
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(ÿ -oh) The innermost of the four giant Galilean satellites of Jupiter. It keeps one face permanently toward the planet (see synchronous rotation) as it orbits at a distance of 422 000 km, within Jupiter's magnetosphere. Io is yellow-brown in color, has a high albedo (0.61), and has a diameter of 3630 km. The orbital period of Io is one half that of Europa and one-fourth that of Ganymede; the three satellites are locked into an orbital resonance, the interaction of the satellites having caused their orbital distances to adjust until their periods were common multiples. Early photographs from the Voyager 1 probe March 1979 showed the surface of Io to lack impact craters. An explanation for this was found when intense volcanic action was observed on the satellite: at least nine active volcanoes were seen to eject material over a very wide area; seven were still active when Voyager 2 arrived four months later. Following the six passes of Io made by the Galileo spacecraft during its 33 orbits of Jupiter between 1996 and 2002, scientists now know there are at least 120 active volcanic regions. Few of Io's volcanoes resemble the crater-topped mountains seen on the Earth and Mars. Instead, most of Io's volcanic craters lie in relatively flat regions. Yet half the mountains on Io are located next to volcanic craters.

Io is the most active volcanic body known in the Solar System. The activity is thought to result from heating by tidal forces exerted by Jupiter. There are several types of activity: eruptive plumes, a few of which reach altitudes of hundreds of kilometers; huge calderas (volcanic collapse craters) with associated lava flows and/or surface markings; some possible lava lakes. The first volcano observed by Voyager 1 was an eruptive plume ascending to 280 km and visible above the satellite limb; material was deposited in concentric rings up to about 1400 km across. This volcano has been named Pele. The plume of Loki was active on both Voyager passes, rising to 100 km as measured by Voyager 1 and 200 km as measured by Voyager 2. Many of the plumes, such as that of Prometheus, were 50–120 km high and also apparently long-lived. Ionized matter – sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen – escapes from the tenuous volcanic atmosphere of Io and forms a torus centered on Io and encompassing the whole of Io's orbit. The particles in the torus glow brightly in the ultraviolet. This matter interacts with Jupiter's magnetosphere: it controls the rate at which Jupiter radiates energy and probably affects aurorae on Jupiter, radio bursts from the planet, and other phenomena. See also Galilean satellites; Jupiter; Jupiter's satellites; Table 2, backmatter.



in ancient Greek mythology, a priestess of the goddess Hera who captivated Zeus with her beauty. According to one version of the myth, Hera changed Io into a heifer out of jealousy towardher husband Zeus and gave her into the charge of the many-eyed giant Argus, who was killed by Hermes. Hera then set a monstrous gadfly against Io. Io escaped from its stings and reached Egypt, where she was again restored to human form. According to mythological genealogy, the descendants of Io were the Danaids.


[′ī‚ō] (astronomy) A satellite of Jupiter; its diameter is 2300 miles (3700 kilometers). Also known as Jupiter I. (nuclear physics) ionium


seduced by Jupiter in form of a cloud. [Rom. Myth.: Metamorphoses]See: Seduction


having been changed into a heifer by Zeus, pestered by gadfly sent by Hera. [Gk. Myth.: Espy, 292]See: Suffering


changed into heifer by Zeus because of Hera’s jealousy. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 137]See: Transformation


1 Greek myth a maiden loved by Zeus and turned into a white heifer by either Zeus or Hera


2 the innermost of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, displaying intense volcanic activity. Diameter: 3640 km; orbital radius: 422 000 km


(humor, abuse)Idiotic operator.


(networking)The country code for British Indian Oceanterritory.



(in″tĕr-os′ē-ŭs) [ inter- + osseous],


Situated or occurring between bones, as muscles, ligaments, or vessels; specific muscles of the hands and feet.


(in″tră-op′(ĕ-)răt″ĭv) [ intra- + operative],


Occurring during surgery.


IO (1)

The two-character ISO 3166 country code for BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY .

IO (2)

See: Interest-only strip


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the British Indian Ocean Territory. This is the code used in international transactions to and from BIOT bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the BIOT. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the BIOT.

3. Interest only. A derivative security whose cash flow derives exclusively from interest payments on various debt securities. The underlying asset of an interest-only strip is interest paid on debt securities, rather than the debt securities themselves. Many interest only strips are backed by mortgage interest, but some are also backed by Treasury securities and other debt securities. Interest-only strips are derived from bonds whose coupons' ownership is legally separated (or "stripped") from the debt securities themselves.


See interest-only.


IOIowa (old style)
IOInformation Operations
IOIndian Ocean
IOInterest Only
IOIgrzyska Olimpijskie (Polish: Olympic Games)
IOInside Out (Frisbee throw)
IOIndustrial-Organizational (Psychology)
IOBritish Indian Ocean Territory
IOIf Only
IOInternational Organization
IOInformation Object
IOInformation Officer
IOInformation Overload
IOInfrastructure Optimization
IOIndirect Object
IOIntermon Oxfam (Spain)
IOIntelligence Officer
IOIn Organization (banking)
IOInvestigating Officer (law enforcement)
IOIndustrial Operations
IOInformation Output
IOInternal Order
IOInstitutional Official (various organizations)
IOImperial Order (gaming)
IOIonium (Thorium Isotope)
IOInsertion Order (web advertising)
IOIllumninati Order
IOInternal Organ
IOIntercept Officer (US Navy)
IOInstitute of Oceanography
IOIntegrated Operations (oil industry)
IOInteractive Optimum (cable services)
IOIndian Orchard (Springfield, MA)
IOImmigration Officer
IOIntelligence Oversight
IOIntegrated Optics
IOIlluminati Online
IOInformation Orientation
IOIndependent Observations
IOImmediate Office
IOInboard Outboard (boat drive system)
IOInput Operator
IOInternational Officer
IOInfinitely Often
IOIntermediate Objective
IOInspecciòn Ocular (Guatemala, police task force)
IOInsignificant Other
IOInitial Only
IOiodine monoxide
IOInformation Outlet (LAN)
IOInexperienced Operator
IOInspectie van het Onderwijs (Dutch)
IOInstant Outlining
IOInstalling Officer (International Order of DeMolay)
IOInventory Objective
IOIdiot Operator
IOInvestOne (software)
IOIsomerized Olefin
IOInteroperability Objective
IOIndividually Optimum


  • noun

Words related to Io

noun (Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by Zeus

Related Words

  • Greek mythology




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