


(full name, Executive Committee of the Soviet of Soldiers’ Deputies of the Twelfth Army of the Northern Front), created on Mar. 9 (22), 1917, in Riga at a meeting of soldiers and officers representing the military units of the Twelfth Army.

The Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries took over the leadership of Iskosol. In May Iskosol united with the counterrevolutionary Executive Committee of the Soviet of Officers’ Deputies of the Twelfth Army. Iskosol supported the policy of the bourgeois Provisional Government and became a counterrevolutionary center in Latvia during the armed uprising in November 1917. The Social Democrats of Latvia and the Bolsheviks of the Twelfth Army spoke out against the counterrevolutionary leadership of Iskosol, and the left bloc of the revolutionary Russian and Latvian military units of the army demanded that the executive committee be reelected. On Nov. 15 (28), 1917, the Extraordinary Congress of Soviets of the Twelfth Army, held in Cēsis (Wenden), elected a new Iskosol, 80 percent of whose members were Bolsheviks headed by S. M. Nahimsons, commissar of Latvian riflemen. When the old army was demobilized in February 1918, Iskosol discontinued its activities. [10–1371 -2]