Acronym | Definition |
JCP➣Journal of Cellular Physiology (Wiley) |
JCP➣Java Community Process (Java technology) |
JCP➣Journal of Clinical Pathology |
JCP➣Juros Sobre o Capital Próprio (Portuguese: Interest on Equity; Brazil) |
JCP➣Journal of Chemical Physics |
JCP➣J.C. Penney Corporation |
JCP➣Japan Communist Party |
JCP➣Journal of Clinical Psychiatry |
JCP➣Journal of Computational Physics (also seen as JCPH) |
JCP➣Julington Creek Plantation (Florida) |
JCP➣Java Control Panel |
JCP➣Java Community Process |
JCP➣Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (Wiley publication) |
JCP➣Java Control Panel (computing) |
JCP➣Job Centre Plus (UK employment service) |
JCP➣Joint Committee on Printing |
JCP➣Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology |
JCP➣Joint Certification Program (US Canada Joint Certification Program, DLIS) |
JCP➣Johnson Center for Philanthropy (Grand Valley State University; Grand Rapids, MI) |
JCP➣Joseph Chris Partners (Kingwood, TX) |
JCP➣Juvenile Crime Prevention (various locations) |
JCP➣John Connelly Presents (artist forum) |
JCP➣Juventude Comunista Portuguesa |
JCP➣Jungle Carpet Python (herpetoculture) |
JCP➣Jim Crockett Promotions |
JCP➣Juris-Classeur Périodique (French law journal) |
JCP➣Java Certified Programmer |
JCP➣Jointed Concrete Pavement |
JCP➣Journal of Constructivist Psychology |
JCP➣Jewish and Christian Perspectives |
JCP➣John Collins & Partners LLP (UK) |
JCP➣Junior Capital Pool |
JCP➣Joint Consultation Paper (various locations) |
JCP➣Joint Committee on Proliferation (NATO) |
JCP➣Jones College Prep |
JCP➣Jurys Croke Park Hotel (Ireland) |
JCP➣Jaguar Conservation Program (Wildlife Conservation Society) |
JCP➣Joint Cost Position |
JCP➣Job Control Procedure |
JCP➣Joint Communications Protocol |
JCP➣Jump Command Post |
JCP➣Journal of Communication Pathology |