Kate Mullany National Historic Site

Kate Mullany National Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / Affiliated AreasAddress:c/o American Labor Studies Center
100 S Swan St
Albany, NY 12210

Established: Designated a National Historic Landmark in 199; authorized as a national historic site on December 3, 2004. The house was privatelyowned until 2003, when it was purchased by the New York AFL-CIO onbehalf of the American Labor Studies Center (ALSC). Under theauthorized bill, the property is designated an affiliated area of theNational Park System, which will provide the center with technical andfinancial assistance for planning, development, interpretation, andpreservation of the site. The site will continue to be owned andoperated by ALCS.
Location:The Kate Mullany House is located at 350 Eighth Street in Troy, New York.
Facilities:Not open to the public.
Special Features:Catherine A. (Kate) Mullany was an Irish immigrant laundryworker who organized and led Troy's Collar Laundry Union during the1860's, one of the first all-female labor unions in the United States.She lived in this house from 1869 to 1875, inherited the house when hermother died in 1876, moved away, returned in 1903, and died herein 1906.

See other parks in New York.