Karinskii, Mikhail Ivanovich
Karinskii, Mikhail Ivanovich
Born Nov 4 (16), 1840, in Moscow; died July 20 (Aug. 2), 1917. Russian logician and philosopher.
Karinskii graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy in 1862. From 1869 to 1894, he taught philosophy at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and at other educational institutions. His first works were devoted to the history of philosophy (A Critical Survey of the Most Recent Period in German Philosophy, 1873). The basic field of his activity was epistemology and logic. His approach became ever closer to materialism—for example, his article “Appearance and Reality” in the journal Orthodox Review, 1878, vol. 1, and Differences of Opinion in the School of the New Empiricism on the Question of Self-evident Truths, 1914. In the field of logic, Karinskii proposed an original classification for mental conclusions (The Collected Works of Russian Logicians of the 19th Century, 1956). He wrote a number of works on the history of ancient philosophy.
Radlov, E. L. Uchenaia deiatel’nost’prof. M. I. Karinskogo vols. [l]-2. St. Petersburg, 1895.Mirtov, D. “M. I. Karinskii i ego filosofskie vozzreniia.” Mysl’ i slovo, vol. 2. Moscow, 1918–21.
Kondakov, N. I. “Vydaiushchiesia proizvedeniia russkoi logicheskoi nauki 19 v.” Izbr. trudy russkikh logikov 19 v. Moscow, 1956.