

suff.1. Of, relating to, or being: Swedish.2. a. Characteristic of: girlish.b. Having the usually undesirable qualities of: childish.3. Approximately; somewhat: greenish.4. Tending toward; preoccupied with: selfish.
[Middle English, from Old English -isc.]


suffix forming adjectives 1. of or belonging to a nationality or group: Scottish. 2. often derogatory having the manner or qualities of; resembling: slavish; prudish; boyish. 3. somewhat; approximately: yellowish; sevenish. 4. concerned or preoccupied with: bookish. [Old English -isc; related to German -isch, Greek -iskos]


, 1. a suffix forming adjectives from nouns, with the meanings “pertaining to” (British; Spanish); “after the manner of,” “having the characteristics of,” “like” (babyish; girlish; mulish); “addicted to,” “inclined or tending to” (bookish; freakish); “near or about” (fiftyish; sevenish). 2. a suffix forming adjectives from other adjectives, with the meanings “somewhat,” “rather” (oldish; reddish; sweetish). [Middle English; Old English -isc; c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German -isc, Gothic -isks, Greek -iskos; akin to -esque]


, a formative occurring in verbs borrowed from French ( nourish; perish), used rarely to form verbs in English from Latin bases ( extinguish). [< French -iss-, extended s. of verbs with infinitives in -ir « Latin -isc-, in inceptive verbs]