Kagan, Iurii Moiseevich

Kagan, Iurii Moiseevich


Born July 6, 1928, in Moscow. Soviet physicist. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Member of the Communist Party since 1955.

Kagan graduated from the Moscow Physical Engineering In-stitute in 1950. In 1956 he began working at the Institute ofAtomic Energy, and in 1962 he became a professor at the Mos-cow Physical Engineering Institute. His principal scientificworks are devoted to the kinetic theory of gases (he created thetheory of transport phenomena in gases with rotational degreesof freedom), problems in molecular physics, solid-state theory, the theories of metals and imperfection systems (he predicted theexistence of quasi-localized levels in the phonon spectrum), thetheory of the Mossbauer effect, and the study of the interactionof nuclear radiation with matter (he predicted the suppression ofa nuclear reaction and the change in nuclear parameters in crys-tals). Kagan has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.