

单词 aida



(ˈeɪdə) na cotton fabric with a natural mesh



(language)1. A functional dialect of Dictionary APL byM. Gfeller.

["APL Arrays and Their Editor", M. Gfeller, SIGPLAN Notices21(6):18-27 (June 1986) and SIGAPL Conf Proc].

2. An intermediate representation language for Ada developedat the University of Karlsruhe in 1980. AIDA was mergedwith TCOL.Ada to form Diana.

["AIDA Introduction and User Manual", M. Dausmann et al, UKarlsruhe, Inst fur Inform II, TR Nr 38/80].

["AIDA Reference Manual", ibid, TR Nr 39/80, Nov 1980].


dies with her beloved Radames. [Ital. Opera: Verdi, Aïda, Westerman, 325]See: Self-Sacrifice


opera renowned for its scenic grandeur; sometimes played with on-stage elephants. [Ital. Opera: Verdi Aïda in Benét, 16]See: Spectacle



all-trans retinoic acid, idarubicin. (chemotherapeutic agents used to treat promyelocytic leukemia).


Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action

In marketing, a model of the four steps a person takes in deciding upon an action (especially a purchase). Awareness occurs when, through advertising or word of mouth, a person comes to know the existence of the product. Interest is a curiosity that causes the person to seek out more information. Desire is the state in which the person wants the product. Finally, action occurs when the customer buys the product or commits the desired act. This model is used in marketing both goods and intangibles, such as political campaigns. It is abbreviated AIDA.


awareness, interest, desire, action – the stages through which a consumer is intended to be taken by ADVERTISING messages before purchasing a product.


AIDAArtificial Intelligence Digital Assistant (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
AIDAAttention, Interest, Desire, Action
AIDAAccessible Information on Development Activities
AIDAAutomatic Inflight Data Acquisition
AIDAAssociazione Italiana per la Documentazione Avanzata (Italy)
AIDAAssociation Internationale de Droit des Assurances (French: International Association of Insurance Law)
AIDAAttention, Interest, Decision, Action
AIDAAustralian Indigenous Doctors Association
AIDAAwareness, Interest, Desire, Action
AIDAAssociation Internationale pour le Développement de l'Apnée
AIDAArticoli Italiani Di Periodici Accademici (bibliography of articles in Italian scholarly journals)
AIDAApplications of Integrated Driver Assistance
AIDAAnalysis of Interconnected Decision Areas (policy planning)
AIDAArtificially Intelligent Data Anomaly (fictional)
AIDAAttract, Interest, Desire, Action
AIDAAttention, Information, Desire, Action
AIDAAsociación Internacional de Derecho de Aguas (Spanish)
AIDAAdvanced Image and Data Archiving
AIDAAutomazione Integrata Dogane Accise (Italy)
AIDAAlaska Industrial Development Authority
AIDAAdvanced Interface Database Application (Siemens)
AIDAArtificial Intelligence Discrimination Architecture (UKMOD)
AIDAAngenieux Image Diffusion Attachment
AIDAAir Base Damage Assessment
AIDAAir Interdiction Design Analysis
AIDAAsociasion Inter-Americana Para la Defensa del Ambiente (Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense)




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