Kandiba, Boris Nikolaevich
Kandiba, Boris Nikolaevich
Born 1865; died July 28, 1929, in Moscow. Soviet hydraulic engineer.
In 1891, Kandiba graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers, where he became a professor in 1903. From 1891 to 1894 he took part in enlarging the Libava port. Beginning in 1898 he headed the work on reconstructing ports, including the ports of Arkhangel’sk, St. Petersburg, Mariupol’, Nikolaevsk, and Tuapse. From 1901 to 1929 he directed the subdepartments of waterways, ports, and hydraulic engineering structures at the higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and Odessa. Kandiba participated in the design and construction of a number of large hydraulic power complexes, namely the Volkhov system, the Svir’ System, and the Dnieper System. He was also a consultant on the Volga-Don Canal and other hydraulic engineering construction projects. His principal works were concerned with the construction of ports, the hydrology of rivers, and river control.
Rodevich, V. M. “B. N. Kandiba” (obituary). Izv. Gos. gidrologicheskogoin-ta, 1929, no. 25. Sabaneev, A., and M. Malyshev. “Pamiati B. N. Kandiba.” Elektrichestvo, 1929, nos. 21–22.