Kelvin thermometer


 [ther-mom´ĕ-ter] an instrument for determining temperatures, in principle making use of a substance (such as alcohol or mercury) with a physical property that varies with temperature and is susceptible of measurement on some defined scale.Temperatures on Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers related to temperature ranges. From Elkin et al., 2000.axilla thermometer a thermometer" >clinical thermometer that is placed in the axilla.Celsius thermometer one that uses the scale" >Celsius scale.centigrade thermometer one having the interval between two established reference points divided into 100 equal units, such as the thermometer" >Celsius thermometer.clinical thermometer one used to determine the temperature of the human body.electronic thermometer a thermometer" >clinical thermometer that uses a sensor based on thermistors, solid-state electronic devices whose electrical characteristics change with temperature. The reading is recorded within seconds, some having a red light or other device to indicate when maximum temperature is reached. Available models include hand-held, desk-top, and wall-mounted units, all having probes that are inserted orally or rectally.Fahrenheit thermometer one that uses the scale" >Fahrenheit scale.Kelvin thermometer one that uses the scale" >Kelvin scale.oral thermometer a thermometer" >clinical thermometer whose mercury containing bulb is placed under the tongue.recording thermometer a temperature-sensitive instrument by which the temperature to which it is exposed is continuously recorded.rectal thermometer a thermometer" >clinical thermometer that is inserted in the rectum.resistance thermometer one that uses the electric resistance of metals (thermocouple) to determine temperature.self-registering thermometer 1. recording thermometer.2. one that registers the maximum or minimum temperature attained in the measurement.tympanic thermometer an electronic thermometer" >clinical thermometer that gives a digital reading in less than two seconds. Second-generation tympanic thermometers work by monitoring the temperature when the ear opening is sealed.

Kelvin thermometer

A thermometric scale in which absolute zero is 0°K; the freezing point of water is 273.15°K; and the boiling point of water is 373.15°K. Thus 1°K on the Kelvin scale is exactly equivalent to 1°C. See also: Kelvin, Lord


Lord William Thomson, Scottish physicist, 1824-1907. kelvin (K) - a unit of thermodynamic temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.Kelvin scale - temperature scale in which the triple point of water is assigned the value of 273.16 K.Kelvin thermometer