Besposhchadnyi, Pavel Grigorevich

Besposhchadnyi, Pavel Grigor’evich


(pseudonym of P. G. Ivanov). Born June 29 (July 11), 1895, in the village of Vseslavl’, in Smolensk Province; died May 25, 1968, in the city of Gorlovka. Soviet Russian poet.

Besposhchadnyi lived in the Ukraine. He was a worker in the Donbas (Donets Basin) between 1907 and 1917 and a participant in the Civil War.

He published his first verses in 1924 in the newspaper Gorlovka (Stokehole). He was the author of the collections of verses The Stone Book (1930), A Year in the “Stokehole” (1934), Homeland (1938), Miner Songs (1948), Donets Spaces (1961), and others. The old Donbas and the labor of Soviet miners were the main themes of his poetry, which was linked to the traditions of the folklore of workers. Besposhchadnyi was an Honored Miner of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and medals.


Shakhterskie poemy. Stalino, 1959.
Izbrannoe: Stikhi, pesni, poemy. Kiev, 1965. [Afterword by V. Demidov.]
Kamennaia lira. Stikhotvoreniia. Kiev, 1968.
[Introductory article by lu. Chernyi-Didenko.]


Klochchia, A. Pavlo Besposhchadnyi: Krytyko-biografych. narys. Stalino, 1956.
Belogub, I. M. Pavel Besposhchadnyi—rabochii poet, pevets sotsialisticheskogo Donbassa. Voroshilovgrad, 1956.
Goncharov, N. E. Oruzhie poeta: Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva Pavla Besposhchadnogo. Stalino, 1960.
“Pavel Besposhchadnyi.” [Obituary.] Literaturnaia gazeta, June 5, 1968.