Kazanjian operation

Ka·zan·ji·an op·er·a·tion

(kah-zahn'jē-ăn), surgical extension of the vestibular sulcus of edentulous ridges to increase their height and to improve denture retention.
See also: ridge extension.

Ka·zan·ji·an op·er·a·tion

(kah-zahnjē-ăn opĕr-āshŭn) Surgical extension of the vestibular sulcus of edentulous ridges to increase their height and to improve denture retention.


Varaztad H., Armenian otorhinolaryngologist in the U.S., 1879-1974. Kazanjian scissorsKazanjian nasal forcepsKazanjian nasal hump forcepsKazanjian operation - surgical extension of the vestibular sulcus of edentulous ridges to increase their height and to improve denture retention.Kazanjian osteotomeKazanjian splint

Ka·zan·ji·an op·er·a·tion

(kah-zahnjē-ăn opĕr-āshŭn) Surgical extension of vestibular sulcus of edentulous ridges to increase their height and improve denture retention.