Joshua Nkomo

Nkomo, Joshua


Born 1917. Figure in the national liberation movement in Southern Rhodesia.

The son of a peasant, Nkomo studied in Southern Rhodesia and later in the Union of South Africa. Taking correspondence courses, he received a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of South Africa at Pretoria. In 1947 he became an employee of Rhodesian Railways. In 1951 he was elected general secretary of the Rhodesian Railways African Employees’ Association.

At the beginning of the 1950’s, Nkomo headed the national liberation movement in Southern Rhodesia. Since 1957 he has been the president of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU). Between 1963 and 1974, after ZAPU was outlawed, Nkomo was under arrest. Since September 1975 he has been president of the African National Council. [18–105–1; updated]