Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents

Kas·ten fluor·es·cent Schiff re·a·gents

(kas'tĕn), fluorescent analogs of Schiff reagent that are fluorescent basic dyes lacking acidic side groups and containing one or more primary amine groups; used in cytochemical detection of DNA in Kasten fluorescent Feulgen stain, polysaccharides in Kasten fluorescent periodic acid-Schiff stain, and proteins in the ninhydrin-Schiff stain; such analogues include acriflavine, auramine O, and flavophosphine N.

Kas·ten fluor·es·cent Schiff re·a·gents

(kahs'ten flōr-es'ĕnt shif re-ā'jĕnts) Fluorescent analogues of Schiff reagent that are fluorescent basic dyes lacking acidic side groups and containing one or more primary amine groups; used in cytochemical detection of DNA in Kasten fluorescent Feulgen stain, polysaccharides in Kasten fluorescent periodic acid-Schiff stain, and proteins in the ninhydrin-Schiff stain; such analogues include acriflavine, auramine O, and flavophosphine N.


Frederick H., U.S. histochemist and cell biologist, 1927–. Kasten fluorescent Feulgen stain - a fluorescent modification of the Feulgen stain.Kasten fluorescent PAS stain - a fluorescent modification of the periodic acid Schiff stain for polysaccharides that uses one of the Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents.Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents - used in cytochemical detection of DNA.


Hugo, German chemist in Florence, 1834-1915. Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents - see under Kastenninhydrin-Schiff stain for proteinsperiodic acid-Schiff stain - a tissue-staining procedure. Synonym(s): PAS stainSchiff base - condensation products of aldehydes and ketones with primary amine. Synonym(s): aldimineSchiff reagent - used for aldehydes and in histochemistry to detect polysaccharides, DNA, and proteins.