Johan Herman Lie Vogt
Vogt, Johan Herman Lie
Born Oct. 14, 1858, in Tvedest-rand; died Jan. 3, 1932, in Trondheim. Norwegian geologist and petrographer; a founder of physicochemical petrography.
Vogt studied at the Technical Institute in Dresden and in 1880 graduated from the University of Christiania (now Oslo). He continued his studies at institutions of higher learning in Stockholm, Paris, Freiberg, and Aachen. From 1886 to 1903 he was a professor of metallurgy at the University of Christiania, and from 1912 to 1928, a professor of mineralogy and geology at the Higher Technical Institute of Trondheim. Vogt established the eutectic nature of volcanic rock and introduced the concept of cotectics, on the basis of which he developed the theory of the sequence of mineral crystallization from magma. He also proposed one of the first chemicogenetic classifications of rocks and developed the liquation-magmatic theory for the formation of titanomagnetite and sulfide deposits.
“Physikalisch-chemische Gesetze der Krystallisationsfolge in Eruptivgesteinen.” Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, 1905, vol. 24; 1906, vol. 25; 1908, vol. 27.Über anchi-monomineralische und anchi-eutektische Eruptivgesteine. Christiania, 1908.
Levinson-Lessing, F. Iu. “Chetyre korifeia petrografii: Vashington, Diupark, Sedergol’m, Fogt.” Izv. AN SSSR: Otd. matematicheskikh i estestvennykh nauk, 1935, no. 3.Ransome, F. L. “Memorial Tribute to Johan Herman Lie Vogt.” Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1933, vol. 44, part 2. (Contains references.)