Acronym | Definition |
ISB➣Indian School of Business |
ISB➣Institute for Systematic Botany |
ISB➣Investors Savings Bank (New Jersey) |
ISB➣Inspection Service Bulletin (various organizations) |
ISB➣International School of Boston (Boston, MA) |
ISB➣Incredible String Band |
ISB➣In Silico Biology (journal) |
ISB➣International School of Business |
ISB➣Independent Science Board (Canada) |
ISB➣Invincible Super Blog |
ISB➣International Student Barometer |
ISB➣Internet Sharing Box |
ISB➣Inter Shelf Bus |
ISB➣Internal Service Broker |
ISB➣Internet Stock Blog |
ISB➣Internet Security Box |
ISB➣International Society of Biomechanics |
ISB➣Interstate (Tariff) Bureau, Inc. |
ISB➣Invest to Save Budget (UK) |
ISB➣International Society of Bassists |
ISB➣International Symposium on Biotechnology |
ISB➣Intermediate Staging Base |
ISB➣Independence Standards Board (for Professional Audtiors) |
ISB➣Internet Service Bus (computing) |
ISB➣International School of Beijing |
ISB➣International School of Bangkok |
ISB➣International Staff Band (of the Salvation Army) |
ISB➣Imperial Security Bureau (Star Wars) |
ISB➣International Society of Biometeorology |
ISB➣Islamic Society of Britain (UK) |
ISB➣Installed Base (products on customer's site.) |
ISB➣National Doctoral Programme in Informational and Structural Biology (Finland) |
ISB➣Independent Sideband |
ISB➣Institute of Systems Biology |
ISB➣Information Security Bulletin (journal) |
ISB➣In-Store Bakery |
ISB➣Interim Safety Board (US Air Force) |
ISB➣Information Systems Branch (various organizations) |
ISB➣Institut des Sciences Biologiques (French; Canada) |
ISB➣International Speedway Boulevard (Daytona Beach, Florida) |
ISB➣International Sports Broadcasting |
ISB➣Intra System Bus |
ISB➣International Scientific Board |
ISB➣International School of Beaverton |
ISB➣interscalene block |
ISB➣International Symposium on Bilingualism |
ISB➣Intermediate Small Bank |
ISB➣Indianapolis Symphony Band |
ISB➣International Studies Board (Utah) |
ISB➣Industrial Single Board (computing) |
ISB➣Industry Sectors Board (European Chemical Industry Council) |
ISB➣International Speakers Bureau, Inc |
ISB➣Islamabad, Pakistan - International (Airport Code) |
ISB➣Intermediate Support Base |
ISB➣Is Started By (time or date) |
ISB➣Intelligence Systems Board |
ISB➣International Services Branch (NIH) |
ISB➣Installation Supply Buffer (US Army) |
ISB➣Initial Staging Base |
ISB➣Incident Shadow Boundary |
ISB➣I'm So Bored |
ISB➣Inter Shelf Bus (ROLM telephone systems) |
ISB➣Intermediate-Significant Bit |
ISB➣Intelligence Support Battalion |
ISB➣Industrial Security Bulletin |
ISB➣Irving Symphonic Band (Irving, TX) |
ISB➣Islands Brygge (Danish railway station) |
ISB➣Iranian Society for Biotechnology |
ISB➣Intermediate Sustainment Base |
ISB➣Issues Screening Board |
ISB➣Installation Sustaining Base |
ISB➣Intermediate Signed Binary Form |
ISB➣Intermediate Supply Base |
ISB➣Investors Service Bureau (NYSE service) |
ISB➣In-Store Bank (bank or credit union branch in a military BX or PX) |
ISB➣Intelligence and Security Board |