Jay's Treaty 1794

Jay’s Treaty (1794)


a treaty of friendship, trade, and navigation between the USA and Great Britain. John Jay, chief justice of the US Supreme Court and Lord Grenville, the English minister of foreign affairs, signed the treaty in London on Nov. 19, 1794; it went into effect Oct. 28, 1795. The treaty obligated Great Britain to remove by June 1, 1796, all of its military forces from forts on territories that had gone to the USA by the Treaty of Paris of 1783. It provided for the creation of joint commissions for the regulation of territorial and financial and economic matters. It gave English ships the right to call at all US ports, while Americans received the right to trade with the British West Indies in ships of no more than 70 tons displacement. It prohibited American importation of cotton, sugar, coffee, cacao, and a number of other goods. The inequalities created by the treaty caused dissatisfaction in the USA.