Jay Cooke State Park

Jay Cooke State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:3 miles east of Carlton on State Highway 210.
Facilities:80 drive-in campsites (21 with electrical hookups), showers (é),flush toilets (é), 4 backpack campsites, 3 walk-in campsites, groupcamp, camper cabin (year round), picnic area and shelters (é),volleyball court, horseshoe pits, hiking trails (50 miles), paved biketrails (9 miles), mountain bike trails (13 miles), horse trail (6miles), wheelchair accessible trail (0.5 miles), ski trails (32 miles),snowmobile trails (6 miles), warming house, snowshoe rentals, visitorcenter (é), interpretive exhibits, historic sites, gift shop.
Activities:Camping, river and stream fishing, hiking, bicycling, mountain biking,horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing,nature programs.
Special Features:Park features an extensive network of trails, including one that leads over a swinging suspension bridge high above Saint Louis River.
Address:780 Hwy 210
Carlton, MN 55718

Web: www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/jay_cooke
Size: 8,781 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.