Isaak Zvavich

Zvavich, Isaak Semenovich


Born May 4 (17), 1904, in Moscow; died May 16, 1950, in Tashkent. Soviet historian. Specialist on the history of Great Britain. Professor (1938). Member of the CPSU from 1945.

During 1922–27, Zvavich worked at the Soviet Trade Mission in Great Britain; in 1926 he graduated from the London School of Economics (London University). He began teaching in 1928 at various higher educational institutions in Moscow, including Moscow State University, the Diplomatic College, and the Academy of Social Sciences attached to the Central Committee of the CPSU. From 1932 to 1937 he was a senior research associate at the Institute of World Economy and World Politics. Zvavich’s principal works deal with the problems of British historiography.