Acronym | Definition |
ITR➣In the Rooms (recovery network) |
ITR➣Informações Trimestrais (Brazilian financial quarterly) |
ITR➣Income Tax Return |
ITR➣Integra Type R (Acura automobile) |
ITR➣Internet Threat Report |
ITR➣Internal Throughput Rate |
ITR➣Input Throughput Rate |
ITR➣Information Transfer Rate (brain-computer interface assessment) |
ITR➣International Telecommunications Regulations (World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference) |
ITR➣In the Red (record label) |
ITR➣International Translation Resources (UK) |
ITR➣Inverted Terminal Repeat (gene sequence) |
ITR➣Information Technology Research |
ITR➣Internet Talk Radio |
ITR➣Information Technology Resources |
ITR➣Independent Technical Review |
ITR➣Inpatient Treatment Report |
ITR➣Institute for Telecommunications Research (Adelaide, South Australia) |
ITR➣Internet Traffic Report |
ITR➣Indemnité Temporaire de Retraite (French: Temporary Retirement Allowance) |
ITR➣Industry Technology Roadmap (various organizations) |
ITR➣Investigational Trials Resource (Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center; San Francisco, CA) |
ITR➣Inflation Targeting Regime (economics) |
ITR➣Institute for Technological Research (various locations) |
ITR➣Industry, Tourism and Resources (Australia) |
ITR➣Individual Training Record (various locations) |
ITR➣Institute for Tuberculosis Research (Univesity of Illinois at Chicago) |
ITR➣Industrial to Residential (zoning) |
ITR➣Information, Ticketing and Registration |
ITR➣Invisible Thread Reel (levitation magic tricks device) |
ITR➣Infantry Training Regiment |
ITR➣Invitation To Register (Interest) |
ITR➣Institut du Transport Routier (Belgium) |
ITR➣Itchy Tasty Records (record label; Los Angeles, CA) |
ITR➣Inside Texas Running (periodical) |
ITR➣Input Transaction Record |
ITR➣Information Technology Review |
ITR➣Improved TARTAR Retrofit |
ITR➣Information Technology Representative |
ITR➣Independent Tank Regiment |
ITR➣Innovative Technology Requirement (environment) |
ITR➣Interpolation Timing Recovery |
ITR➣Ineligible to Re-Register (college) |
ITR➣Internal Transfer Rate (Seagate) |
ITR➣Inspection and Test Records |
ITR➣Integrated Test Requirements |
ITR➣Integrated Technology Rotor |
ITR➣Internal Transfer Report |
ITR➣Intermediate Care Nursery |
ITR➣Instrumented Test Range |
ITR➣Intelligent Transaction Router (Delta) |
ITR➣Inventory Turn Rate |
ITR➣International Trade Resources LLC (Washington, DC) |
ITR➣Issue Tracking Request |
ITR➣Instrument Technical Room |
ITR➣Institute of Tobacco Research |
ITR➣Independent Telephone Research (California) |
ITR➣Irrevocable Trust Receipt |
ITR➣Industrial Technology Reliability Company (Bethlehem, PA) |
ITR➣Individual Tailored Roadmap (NATO) |
ITR➣Installation Technical Representative (contract services; US DoD) |