

单词 isa




abbr. Industry Standard Architecture


abbreviation for 1. (Aeronautics) International Standard Atmosphere 2. (Aeronautics) Interim Standard Atmosphere


(ˈaɪsə) n acronym for (Banking & Finance) individual savings account: a tax-free savings scheme introduced in Britain in 1999





(architecture)Integrated Systems Architecture.


(body)International Smalltalk Association.


(architecture)instruction set architecture.


(architecture)Industry Standard Architecture.


(1) (Instruction Set Architecture) See instruction set.

(2) (Industry Standard Architecture) An earlier bus system used in PCs. See ISA bus.

(3) (Interactive Services Association) See Internet Alliance.

(4) See internal security assessor.

(5) (International Society of Automation, RTP, NC, www.isa.org) A trade association founded in 1945 that is dedicated to industrial control systems which includes measurement and instrumentation, robotics, motion control and process control. ISA supports ISA EXPO, the industry's premier trade show for more than 50 years as well as the Directory of Instrumentation.



Abbreviation for intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.


A gene on chromosome 8q24.13 that encodes annexin 13, a calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding protein that plays a role in regulating cell growth and signal transduction.


ISAIndustry Standard Architecture (PC slot type)
ISAInternet Security and Acceleration (Microsoft firewall and cache server)
ISAIs A (entity hierarchy in extended entity-relationship data model)
ISAInstruction Set Architecture
ISAIndividual Savings Account (UK)
ISAInternal Security Act
ISAInternational Studies Association
ISAIndependent Safeguarding Authority (UK)
ISAInternational Student Association
ISAInstrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (now International Society of Automation)
ISAInternational Society of Automation (est. 1945)
ISAInternational Sociological Association
ISAInternational Society of Arboriculture
ISAInternational Standard on Auditing
ISAIndian Student Association
ISAIntelligent Systems and Applications (workshop)
ISAIndia Semiconductor Association (Bangalore, India)
ISAInternational Students Association
ISAInstrument Society of America (now International Society for Measurement and Control)
ISAInternational Searching Authority
ISAInstituto Socioambiental (Portuguese: Socio-Environmental Institute; Brazil)
ISAIntelligent Speed Adaptation
ISAInternational Studies Abroad (various locations)
ISAInformation Security Administration
ISAInternational Society of Appraisers
ISAInternational Sign Association (formerly National Electric Sign Association)
ISAIntelligence Services Act (various locations)
ISAInternal Security Assessor (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council)
ISAIndependent Subspace Analysis
ISAInterplanetary Strategic Alliance (Killzone)
ISAInternational Society of Andrology
ISAInternational Seabed Authority
ISAInstitute for Social Anthropology (various locations)
ISAInstitute for Study Abroad
ISAIsrael Security Agency
ISAInternational Shipping Agency (various locations)
ISAImpervious Surface Area
ISAInternational Schools Association
ISAInternational Songwriters Association (UK)
ISAIran Sanctions Act of 1996
ISAInternational Symbol of Access (wheelchair standard; International Commission on Technology and Accessibility)
ISAInterconnection Security Agreement (US NIST)
ISAInsurance Services of America (Christian insurance organization)
ISAInvest in Sweden Agency
ISAInternet Security and Acceleration
ISAInternet Services Administrator
ISAIndustry Standard Architecture
ISAInternet Security Association
ISAInformation Security and Assurance
ISAItanium Solutions Alliance
ISAInternet Service Api
ISAIndividual Savings Account
ISAIndependent Stations Algorithm
ISAInternet Server Application
ISAIncline Start Assist
ISAIntegrated Starter Alternator
ISAInformix Server Administrator
ISAIBM Support Assistant
ISAInternet Security Appliance (software)
ISAIrish Sailing Association
ISAIndustry Specific Application
ISAInfectious Salmon Anaemia
ISAInternational Standard Atmosphere
ISAInternational Student Advisory (various locations)
ISAInternational Security Affairs
ISAIndependent School Association (various locations)
ISAInternational Society for Measurement and Control
ISAIsrael Securities Authority
ISAInformation Security and Assurance (international conference)
ISAIndustry Sector Analysis
ISAIowa Soybean Association
ISAInternational Stuttering Association
ISAIntrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity
ISAIndian Squash Academy
ISAIndependent Safety Assessment
ISAIntelligence Support Activity (US Army)
ISAInternational Society of Arborists
ISAItanium Solutions Alliance (microprocessors)
ISAInteractive Services Association
ISAIsrael Space Agency
ISAInformation Security Architecture
ISAInterstellar Alliance (Babylon5)
ISAInternational Stillbirth Alliance (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
ISAInternational Space Agency (Star Trek)
ISAInstituto Superior de Agricultura (Dominican Republic)
ISAInstrumentation Society of America (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
ISAInvestment Savings Account
ISAInvestment Savings Account ( UK tax-free investment account)
ISAInstitut Supérieur d'Agriculture de Lille (French: Lille Higher Institute of Agriculture; Lille, France)
ISAInformation System Architecture
ISAIntegrated Services Architecture
ISAIntegrated Starter-Alternator
ISAIndependent Safety Auditor (various organizations)
ISAImporter Self-Assessment Program
ISAInternational Scientific Association
ISAInternal Systems Administrator
ISAIndian Statistical Association (est. 1960)
ISAInternet Society of Australia (est. 1992)
ISAIndian Society of Agricultural Engineers
ISAInternational Service Assessment
ISAInterfaith Stewardship Alliance
ISAIncest Survivors Anonymous
ISAInternational Spa Association
ISAInternational Services Advertising
ISAInternet Service Agentur GmbH (German: Internet Service Agency)
ISAInternational Strategic Alliance
ISAInternational School of the Americas (San Antonio, TX)
ISAInterservice Support Agreement
ISAInternational Society of Women Airline Pilots
ISAInterconexión Eléctrica SA (Colombia)
ISAIntegrated Systems Analysts, Inc.
ISAIntegrated System Architecture
ISAInternational Standards Association
ISAIncomplete Stent Apposition
ISAInterim Stowage Assembly (US NASA)
ISAInternational Silk Association (East Rutherford, NJ)
ISAInertial Sensor Assembly
ISAIndependent Strategic Advisors (Atlanta, GA)
ISAInternet Safety Advocate
ISAInterstage Adapter
ISAIndian Society of Anaesthesiologists
ISAIonic Strength Adjuster
ISAInternational Synaesthesia Association
ISAIsrael Society of Anesthesiologists
ISAIncident Staging Area (US FEMA)
ISAInternational Standardization Agreement
ISAIn Shaa' Allah (God Willing)
ISAIslamic Shipowners' Association
ISAIntegrated Systems and Aerostructures (Northrop Grumman Corp.)
ISAIndirect Speech Act (linguistics)
ISAIonic Self-Assembly
ISAIntegrated Safety Assessment
ISAIrish Stammering Association
ISAIndian Standard Equal/Unequal Angle (steel construction)
ISAInland Sensitivity Atlas (geographical information system)
ISAInformation, Support and Advocacy (various organizations)
ISAInternational School of Arizona
ISAIsmaili Students Association
ISAInstitution of Surveyors, Australia Inc
ISAIndian Set-Aside (grant)
ISAIllinois Society of Anesthesiologists
ISAIntegrated Safety Approach
ISAIterative Sensitivity Adjustment
ISAIntegrated Stereo Amplifier
ISAIndividual Services Agreement
ISAInter-Service Agreement
ISAInnovative Signal Analysis
ISAIntegrated Services Access
ISAIndiana Society of Anesthesiologists
ISAIntegrated Servo Actuator (hydraulic actuators with integrated control unit)
ISAInterim Storage Area
ISAIndiana Sheep Association (Greenwood, IN)
ISAIso-Saccharinic Acid
ISAInterviewing Service of America, Inc. (Van Nuys, CA)
ISAInstallation Support Agreement
ISAIdaho Sheriffs' Association
ISAInterrupt Storage Area
ISAInstallation Supply Activity
ISAInformation Science Associates
ISAIncident Surprise Anomaly Report
ISAIn-Depth Safety Analysis
ISAIntermediate Staging Area
ISAIndicator-Based Stall Avoidance
ISAInductee Special Assignment
ISAIntelligent Search Assistant
ISAIntegrated Support Area
ISAInformation Society Assessment (EU)
ISAIntegrated Support Activity
ISAInformation Services Analysis
ISAInformation and Services Acquisition
ISAInstitute for Application-Oriented Software and Systems (GMD, Germany)
ISAInstallation Support Activity
ISAInternational Subscription Agencies Pty Ltd (now RoweCom Australia Pty Ltd)
ISAInstallation Supply Account
ISAIntensive Support Allocations
ISAIgnition & Separation Assembly
ISAImaging Sensor Autoprocessor
ISAInprocess Sample Analysis
ISAIterative Statistics Algorithm
ISAImaging/Imagery Sensor Autoprocessor
ISAIdeal Survey Attributes (relate to key success factors in instrument development & quality improvement)
ISAInstructor of Small Arms
ISAIETM Support Activity
ISAInstantaneous Selection Algorithm
ISAIRS System Architecture
ISAInternational Shipmasters Association of the Great Lakes
ISAInformation Superiority Assessment
ISAInstallation and Service Activity
ISAInsurance Service Account (Northwestern Mutual; Milwaukee, WI)
ISAIdentifier Splitting Algorithm
ISAInternational Systems Associates, Ltd.
ISAIntrasystem Analysis




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