Acronym | Definition |
ITL➣Italian Lira (old currency code; replaced by EUR) |
ITL➣Information Technology Laboratory |
ITL➣In the Loop |
ITL➣In the Life |
ITL➣Initiator Target and Lun |
ITL➣Inter Layer |
ITL➣Independent Test Lab |
ITL➣International Trade Logistics |
ITL➣Institute of Technology Law (National Chiao Tung University; Taiwan) |
ITL➣Inexpedient to Legislate (New Hampshire legislature) |
ITL➣International Trade Law |
ITL➣Istituto Sui Trasporti e la Logistica (Italian) |
ITL➣Information Technology Literacy |
ITL➣Instructor-Led Training |
ITL➣Infosys Technologies Limited (India) |
ITL➣Investment Trust Law (Japan) |
ITL➣Interleaver |
ITL➣Informatics Teaching Laboratory (UK) |
ITL➣Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory (various locations) |
ITL➣Imaginative Technologies Ltd. (UK) |
ITL➣Industrial Training Levy |
ITL➣Irvine Technologies Ltd. (financial computing; UK) |
ITL➣Instrument Transformers Ltd. (Scotland, UK) |
ITL➣Into the Lifestyle |
ITL➣Independent Testing Labs, Inc (Boulder, Colorado) |
ITL➣Intent To Launch |
ITL➣Integrated Transfer Launch (Cape Canaveral) |
ITL➣Integration Test and Launch |
ITL➣Integrated Test Lines |
ITL➣Interdivisional Technical Liaison (IBM conference) |
ITL➣International Telecommunications Limited |
ITL➣Install Time Licensing |
ITL➣Istituto per la Tecnolgia del Legno (Wood Technology Institute) |
ITL➣IntraSearch Template Language (proprietary markup language; whatUseek, Corp) |
ITL➣Integrated Testing Lab |
ITL➣Industries Test Lab (Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, PA) |