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keVabbr. kiloelectron voltkeV abbreviation for (Units) kilo-electronvolt keV or kev, kiloelectron volt. keVenUK
keV (physics) kiloelectronvolt keVenUK
volt (V) [vōlt] the SI unit of electric potential or electromotive force, equal to 1 watt per ampere, or 1 joule per coulomb.electron volt (eV) a unit of energy equal to the energy acquired by an electron in being accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt; equal to 1.602 × 10−19 joule.gigaelectron volt (GeV) one billion electron volts (109 eV).kiloelectron volt (keV) one thousand electron volts (103 eV).megaelectron volt (MeV) one million electron volts (106 eV).keVAbbreviation for kiloelectron volts, a unit of energy in diagnostic radiography and nuclear medicine, equivalent to the kinetic energy gained by an electron falling through a potential of 1 volt.KEV
Acronym | Definition |
KEV➣Kilo Electron Volt | KEV➣Key/Encoded-Value | KEV➣Kreis Energie Versorgung (German: District Energy Supply; Germany) | KEV➣Kirstin Ellen Vietze (salon; Germany) | KEV➣Kracht en Vriendschap (Dutch: Strength and Friendship; gymnastics club; Netherlands) | ThesaurusSeevolt |