

单词 iti
释义 DictionarySeeEyetie



(Information Technology Industry Council, Washington, DC, www.itic.org) Formerly the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA), founded in 1916. ITI is a membership organization composed of approximately 30 large high-tech companies. Its mission is twofold: to produce market-driven voluntary standards for information technology in the U.S. and abroad and to lobby for tech-friendly government policies coming out of Washington, D.C. It sponsors several dozen committees that used to be given alphabetic names such as X3J4, but that now fall under the NCITS (National Committee for Information Technology Standards) umbrella.


ITIIstituto Tecnico Industriale (Italian: Technical Institute)
ITIInternational Training Institute (Australia)
ITIIndian Statistical Institute
ITIInformation Today, Inc. (publisher; Medford, NJ)
ITIInformation Technology Institute
ITIInternational Trachoma Initiative
ITIImmune Tolerance Induction (therapy)
ITIIndian Telecom Industry
ITIInstituto Nacional de Tecnologia da Informação (Portuguese: National Institute of Information Technology; Brazil)
ITIInformatics and Telematics Institute (Greece)
ITIInteractive Terminal Interface
ITIInformation Technology Industry
ITIInternational Theatre Institute (Unesco)
ITIInfrared Thermal Imaging
ITIIndustrial Training Institute (India)
ITIIntertrial Interval (psychology/psychiatry)
ITIInternational TechneGroup Incorporated (various locations)
ITIInformation Technology Infrastructure
ITIInformation Technology Industry council
ITIIndian Telephone Industries
ITIIndustrial Technology Institute
ITIInfrastructure Technology Institute (Northwestern University)
ITIIntegrated Thematic Instruction
ITIIntermodal Transportation Institute
ITIInformation Technology Incorporated (various locations)
ITIInstituto Tecnológico de Informática (Spain)
ITIIdaho Technology Inc.
ITIInnovative Therapies, Inc. (Gaithersburg, MD)
ITIInformation Technology Interfaces (Conference)
ITIInter-Alpha-Trypsin Inhibitor
ITIIntelligent Technologies, Inc. (various locations)
ITIInspection Training Institute (Texas)
ITIIndiana Teen Institute (Indianapolis, IN)
ITIInternational Theological Institute (Austria)
ITIIntelligent Transportation Infrastructure
ITIIndustrial Technical Institute
ITIIwatsu Test Instruments (Japan)
ITIInternational Training Inc (Shacklefords, VA)
ITIInternational Technology Integration, Inc. (British Columbia, Canada)
ITIIntermediary Technology Institute (Scotland)
ITIImage Trends, Inc. (various companies)
ITIIntegrated Technical Information
ITITransient Inward Current
ITIIllinois Teen Institute
ITIInternational Travel Industry
ITIImpact Teams International (Freeland, WA)
ITIIndal Technologies Inc.
ITIInvestigator Training International
ITIImmediate Transient Incapacitation (nuclear weapons casualty criterion)
ITIIntensive Therapeutic Intervention
ITIIntegrated Technology Incorporated
ITIInspection/Test Instruction
ITIIndonesian Technical Institute
ITIInstitute of Translation and Interpretating (UK)
ITIInstrument Transformers Incorporated, Clearwater, FL
ITII Tow In, Inc. (Bellevue, KY)
ITIIntestinal Tract Infection (medicine)
ITIInfrared Thermographic Inspection
ITIIntegrated Technical Infrastructure
ITIInternational Thrift Institute
ITIInfant Teleinquiry




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