

单词 jackson membrane

Jackson membrane

Jackson membrane

prececocolic fascia

[TA] a thin, inconstant portion of endoabdominal fascia, in the form of a vascular membrane or veillike adhesion, crossing anterior to the cecum and extending superiorly onto a portion of the ascending colon, sometimes as far as the right colic flexure; it may be involved or may cause the bowel to kink or become obstructed. Synonym(s): fascia prececocolica [TA], Jackson membrane, Jackson veil

Jack·son mem·brane

(jak'sŏn mem'brān) A thin vascular membrane or veillike adhesion, covering the anterior surface of the ascending colon from the cecum to the right flexure; it may cause obstruction by kinking of the bowel.


Jabez N., U.S. surgeon, 1868-1935. Jackson anterior commissure laryngoscopeJackson approximation forcepsJackson broad staple forcepsJackson button forcepsJackson conventional foreign body forcepsJackson cross-action forcepsJackson double-prong forcepsJackson dull rotation forcepsJackson esophagoscopeJackson flexible upper lobe bronchus forcepsJackson globular object forcepsJackson membrane - a thin vascular membrane or veil-like adhesion covering the anterior surface of the ascending colon from the cecum to the right flexure. Synonym(s): Jackson veilJackson papilloma forcepsJackson pin-bending costophrenic forcepsJackson sharp-pointed rotation forcepsJackson spinal surgery and imaging tableJackson steel-stem woven filiform bougieJackson triangular brass dilatorJackson veil - Synonym(s): Jackson membrane




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