

单词 jacksonian seizure
释义 DictionarySeeJacksonian epilepsy

Jacksonian seizure

Jacksonian seizure

[jak′sō·nē·ən ′sē·zhər] (medicine) A focal seizure originating in one part of the motor or sensorimotor cortex and manifested usually by spasmodic contractions of or crawling or burning sensations of the skin; may become generalized, leading to loss of consciousness.

jacksonian seizure

jack·so·ni·an sei·zure

(jak-sō'nē-ăn), a motor seizure that initially involves one part of the body and then progressively spreads to other parts of the body on the same side; may become generalized; often originates in or near the contralateral rolandic neocortex. Synonym(s): jacksonian epilepsy

Jacksonian seizure

Partial seizure, see there.

jack·so·ni·an sei·zure

, jacksonian epilepsy (jak-sō'nē-ăn sē'zhūr, ep'i-lep-sē) A seizure originating in or near the rolandic neocortex, which clinically involves one part of the body; seizure spread is accompanied by progressive spread to other parts of the body on the same side; may become generalized.


John Hughlings, English neurologist, 1835-1911. Jackson law - loss of mental functions due to disease retraces in reverse order its evolutionary development.Jackson rule - after an epileptic attack, simple and quasiautomatic functions are less affected and more rapidly recovered than the more complex ones.Jackson sign - during quiet respiration the movement of the paralyzed side of the chest may be greater than that of the opposite side, while in forced respiration the paralyzed side moves less than the other.jacksonian epilepsy - Synonym(s): jacksonian seizurejacksonian seizure - a seizure originating in or near the rolandic neocortex which clinically involves one part of the body. Synonym(s): jacksonian epilepsy




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