Kaatra Kössi

Kaatra Kössi


Born Nov. 6, 1882, in the small town of Lohja; died Nov. 15, 1928, in the small town of Huddinge, Sweden. Finnish author.

From 1903 to 1910, Kaatra worked as a journalist and as the director of the Workers’ Theater in the city of Tampere. He participated in the general strike of 1905 and the Revolution of 1918 in Finland. He wrote the collections of verses On the Threshold (1903), Sketches of Life (1904), Poems (1905), Scenes of the Great Strike and Other Workers’ Songs (1906), and At the Turning Point (1906). In the novella The Reds and the Whites (1919), Kaatra depicts the civil war of 1918 in Finland. He describes life in the workers’ quarter in the novel Mother and Son (1924).


Alhaisolauluja. Helsinki, 1922. In Russian translation:
[“Stikhotvoreniia.”] In the anthology Poeziia Finliandii. Moscow, 1962.


Karkhu, E. G. Ocherki finskoi literatury nachala XX veka. Leningrad, 1972.
Käy eespäin: Valikoima suomalaista työväenrunoutta. Helsinki, 1957.
Äkiä A. Laulaja tulivuoren juurella. Helsinki, 1962.