A gene on chromosome 12q13.13 that encodes an integrin beta chain protein (integrins are noncovalently associated transmembrane glycoprotein receptors, composed one of 18 different alpha and one of 8 different beta chains). The beta-7 chain partners with the alpha-4 chain—Peyer patches-specific homing receptor LPAM-1—and serves as an adhesion molecule that mediates lymphocyte migration and homing to gut-associated lymphoid tissue. The A4/B7 heterodimer interacts with the cell surface adhesion molecules MADCAM1, VCAM1 and fibronectin.Molecular pathology
A4B7 binds to HIV-1’s gp120 at the tripeptide LDI, facilitating HIV-1 entry to gut-associated lymphoid tissue, which is regarded as a major trigger of AIDS disease.