jaundice of the newborn
Noun | 1. | jaundice of the newborn - yellowish appearance in newborn infants; usually subsides spontaneously |
单词 | jaundice of the newborn | |||
释义 | jaundice of the newborn
Jaundice of the NewbornJaundice of the Newbornthe appearance of yellow coloring of the skin and mucous membranes in infants during the first days of life, as a result of a disturbance of bilirubin metabolism. In healthy infants, physiological jaundice of the newborn arises because of immaturity of the liver’s enzyme systems. Genetically caused (hereditary) enzymopathies, such as transitory familial hyperbilirubinemia, are also found. Jaun-dice of the newborn may appear because of intensified decomposition of erythrocytes: congenital (hereditary) hemolytic jaundice of the newborn. This occurs as the result of a change in the erythrocytes (microspherocytosis), which become more readily subject to destruction (the Minkovskii Chauffard syndrome, named for physiologist O. Minkovskii and the French physician A. Chauffard, who described this pathology in 1900). There are also jaundices that occur with massive hemorrhage at parturition (such as cephalohematoma and retroperitoneal hematoma), during acute and chronic infections of bacterial or viral origin, when there is a congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which participates in bilirubin metabolism. Hemolytic disease of the newborn, which arises when there is an incompatibility between the blood of the mother and that of the child, also causes jaundice in infants. Jaundice of the newborn may be caused by the mechanical arrest of bile (for example, congenital atresia of bile-excreting pathways or tumors of the liver and pancreas) or by affection of the parenchyma of the liver (in connection with diseases such as hepatitis, cytomegaly, sepsis, syphilis, and toxoplasmosis). Treatment is applied according to the cause. Physiological jaundice of the newborn requires no treatment. REFERENCESTabolin, V. A. Bilirubinovyi obrnen i zheltukhi novorozhdennykh. Moscow, 1967.Grigler, J. F., and V. A. Najjar. “Congenital Familial Nonhemolytic Jaundice with Kernicterus.” Pediatrics, 1952, vol. 10, no. 2. pp. 169–80. M. IA. STUDENIKIN and R. N. RYLEEVA jaundice of the newbornjaundice[jawn´dis]Jaundice is not a disease; it is a symptom of a number of different diseases and disorders of the liver and gallbladder and of hemolytic blood disorders. One such disorder is the presence of a gallstone in the common bile duct, which carries bile from the liver to the intestine. This may obstruct the flow of bile, causing it to accumulate and enter the bloodstream. The obstruction of bile flow may cause bile to enter the urine, making it dark in color, and also decrease the bile in the stool, making it light and clay-colored. This condition requires surgery to remove the gallstone before it causes serious liver injury. The pigment causing jaundice is called bilirubin. It is derived from hemoglobin that is released when erythrocytes are hemolyzed and therefore is constantly being formed and introduced into the blood as worn-out or defective erythrocytes are destroyed by the body. Normally the liver cells absorb the bilirubin and secrete it along with other bile constituents. If the liver is diseased, or if the flow of bile is obstructed, or if destruction of erythrocytes is excessive, the bilirubin accumulates in the blood and eventually will produce jaundice. Determination of the level of bilirubin in the blood is of value in detecting elevated bilirubin levels at the earliest stages before jaundice appears, when liver disease or hemolytic anemia is suspected. Patients with severe jaundice are at risk for encephalopathic changes that produce confusion, impaired mentation, and altered levels of consciousness. The potential for injury is increased and demands vigilance and safety measures to protect the patient. ![]() phys·i·o·log·ic jaun·dicejaundice of the newbornBreast milk jaundice, see there.ic·ter·us ne·o·na·to·rum(ik'tĕr-ŭs nē-ō-nā-tō'rŭm)Synonym(s): jaundice of the newborn, physiologic icterus, physiologic jaundice. jaundice of the newborn
Synonyms for jaundice of the newborn
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