Kasatkin, Viktor

Kasatkin, Viktor Ivanovich


Born Sept. 16 (28), 1831, in Moscow; died Dec. 16 (28), 1867, in Geneva. Russian revolutionary and man of letters. Son of a merchant.

Kasatkin published and contributed to the journal Bibliograficheskie zapiski (1858–62). In 1859 he became a correspondent of the Free Russian Printing House in London. He was a member of Moscow revolutionary circles and of the Land and Liberty group of the 1860’s. From June 1862 he was one of the leaders of the Land and Liberty Printing House in Bern (1862–63) and organized the smuggling of revolutionary publications into Russia. Kasatkin was a defendant in absentia at the Trial of the Thirty-Two (1862–65) and was sentenced to exile from Russia.


Herzen, A. I. Sobr. soch. v 30 tt. Moscow, 1954–66. (See index.)
Eidel’man, N. Ia. Tainye korrespondenty “Poliarnoi zvezdy.” Moscow, 1966.