Acronym | Definition |
IRPE➣Instituto Rondoniense de Pesquisa e Estatística (Portugese) |
IRPE➣Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence |
IRPE➣Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness |
IRPE➣Institute for Retirees in Pursuit of Education (Brooklyn College) |
IRPE➣International Recognition of Professional Excellence |
IRPE➣infrared photoelastic |
IRPE➣Instituto Rondônia de Pesquisas e Estatísticas (Brasil) |
IRPE➣internal rotation potential energy |
IRPE➣Institute for Research on Public Expenditure |
IRPE➣International Register of Professional Engineers (also seen as IRoPE) |
IRPE➣Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics (India) |
IRPE➣I/O Request Packet Extension |
IRPE➣Inventario Relacional de la Poesía en Español |
IRPE➣Innomedical Reference Program Enhancement (Innovision Networks, Inc.) |
IRPE➣Integrated Rapid Prototyping Environment |
IRPE➣Institute for Revolutionary Peacemaking and Education |
IRPE➣Internal Repositioning Element |
IRPE➣International Reference Preparation for Erythropoietin |
IRPE➣Image Reception and Processing Element |
IRPE➣Independence of Rank-Preserving Expansions |
IRPE➣Ionizing Radiation Producing Equipment |
IRPE➣Internet Remote Printing Experiment |
IRPE➣Imagerie par Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique |
IRPE➣Interdisciplinary Research and Postbaccalaureate Education (committee) |
IRPE➣Istituto Ricerche Problemi Emarginazione |