Job Definition Format
Job Definition Format
An XML-based file and message format for PDF print jobs. The job definition format (JDF) file, which is linked to the PDF file, describes the job's press requirements such as quantity, paper type and finishing. The Job Messaging Format (JMF) provides commands for communicating with devices in the PDF workflow; for example, to start and stop machines, transfer error messages and so on.CIP3, CIP4, PPF and PJTF
JDF was developed by Adobe and printing press manufacturers Heidelberg, Agfa and MAN Roland in 1999. It was turned over to the International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress Organization in 2000, which at the time was named CIP3. In 2001, CIP4 was formed to manage the JDF specification with roadmaps for converting job tickets in CIP3's previous Print Production Format (PPF) and Adobe's previous Portable Job Ticket Format (PJTF) into JDF. See PDF.