Kazakh White-Faced Cattle
Kazakh White-Faced Cattle
a breed of beef cattle developed in the kolkhozes and sovkhozes of the Kazakh SSR and the Orenburg and Volgograd oblasts by crossing native Kazakh, and, to some extent, Kalmyk cattle with Herefords; the breed was established in 1950. From the Kazakh cattle, the new White-faced breed inherited a strong constitution, and from the Hereford, early maturity and high meat yield. These cattle have a good beef conformation. The body is red, with a white head, chest, underparts, lower legs, and switch of the tail and with white markings on the withers and rump. Kazakh White-faced cattle are well adapted to seasonal changes in the level and type of feed. Depending on the rate of gain, yearlings weigh 320–350 kg; by the age of 15–16 months these calves can be slaughtered. The carcass has a moderate amount of fat and high-quality meat. Adult bulls weigh 850–1,000 kg, and cows 500–550 kg. Hybrids produced by crossing dairy breeds with the Kazakh White-faced breed are noted for their good fleshing qualities. This breed is raised in the Kazakh SSR and the Orenburg, Volgograd, Saratov, and other oblasts of the RSFSR.
Bugrimov, E. I. Kazakhskaia belogolovaia poroda krupnogo rogatogo skota.Moscow, 1952.Akopian, K. Kazakhskii belogolovyi skot na Iugo-Vostoke SSSR. Chkalov, 1956.
Skotovodstvo: Krupnyi rogatyi skot, vol. 1. Moscow. 1961.