intracranial hypertension

in·tra·cra·ni·al hy·per·ten·sion

(ICH) (in'tră-krā'nē-ăl hī'pĕr-ten'shŭn) Increased pressure within the skull due to tumor, disease, or trauma.

intracranial hypertension

Abbreviation: ICH
An increase in the pressure inside the skull from any cause such as a tumor, hydrocephalus, intracranial hemorrhage, trauma, infection, or interference with the venous flow from the brain. See: hydrocephalus


Patients with intracranial HTN should not undergo a lumbar puncture or any other procedure that decreases the cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the vertebral canal.
See also: hypertension

Intracranial hypertension

Abnormally high blood pressure within the skull.Mentioned in: Barbiturate-Induced Coma, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage