I0204600 (ĭn′trə-krā′nē-əl)intracranial
(ˌɪn trəˈkreɪ ni əl)adj.
Adj. | 1. | intracranial - within the skull |
单词 | intracranial | |||
释义 | intracranialin·tra·cra·ni·alI0204600 (ĭn′trə-krā′nē-əl)intracranial(ˌɪntrəˈkreɪnɪəl)in•tra•cra•ni•al(ˌɪn trəˈkreɪ ni əl)adj.
intracranialintracranial[¦in·trə′krā·nē·əl]intracranialintracranial[in″trah-kra´ne-al]The level of intracranial pressure can be inferred by determining the pressure of lumbar spinal fluid during a spinal tap, but this is not the most accurate method and it can be dangerous. Removal of even a small amount of spinal fluid from a patient with a significantly high intracranial pressure can alter the pressure difference between the spinal column and the cranial cavity and cause herniation of the midbrain downward into the foramen magnum. A more accurate and continuous measurement of intracranial pressure can be obtained by monitoring pressure within the cerebral ventricles (cerebral ventricular pressure). Increased fluid volume creates pressure against the structures inside the cranium, disrupting the blood and oxygen supply, and resulting in cellular hypoxia. As the pressure increases, the brain mass shifts or is distorted, causing compression of the neurons and nerve tracts or of the cerebral arteries. The effect of increased volume can be generalized, as in brain edema from lead poisoning, or focal. Cellular hypoxia resulting from direct pressure on the brain cells, distortion of the brain mass, or occlusion of cerebral blood vessels accounts for the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. A sustained increase in the pressure causes persistent hypoxia, irreversible damage to the brain cells, and eventually death. Altered levels of consciousness occur as a result of compression of the ascending reticular activating system pathways and the resulting hypoxia of the cells of these tissues as well as the cells of the cortex. As compression increases the patient becomes more difficult to arouse. Assessment of the patient is based on the extent to which he is oriented and able to respond to stimuli. (See also consciousness" >levels of consciousness.) Motor and sensory dysfunction are the result of pressure on the cortex and the upper motor and sensory pyramidal pathways. The motor fibers descend through the brain stem where most of them cross over (decussate) in the medulla oblongata and then extend into the spinal cord. Sensory fibers ascend from the spinal cord to the brain stem and from there to the sensory areas in the parietal lobe of the brain. These fibers also decussate in either the spinal cord or the medulla. Assessment of the patient for motor and sensory dysfunction would include an evaluation of movement and strength of the extremities and a comparison of right side to left; perception of touch, pressure, and deep pain; and the presence or absence of the babinski reflex. Changes in pupil size, equality, and reaction to light, and extraocular movements are indicative of compression of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves. Assessment of these changes should be as accurate and objective as possible. Unilateral and bilateral evaluations are important and usually are recorded by a drawing of the actual size of each pupil or by precise measurements using a small metric ruler. Vital sign changes come very late in the process of cellular hypoxia and indicate that pressure is being exerted on the lower brain stem and medulla. If not relieved, these changes quickly accelerate and death ensues. Compression of the brain stem causes a rise in the systolic blood pressure and a widening of the pulse pressure followed by a sharp drop in blood pressure. The pulse rate slows and then rises sharply owing to blocking of the parasympathetic impulses. As pressure on the respiratory center builds up there are changes in the rate, rhythm, and ratio of inspiration to expiration, and periods of apnea. Earlier in the process, more subtle changes in the neurologic status of the patient can be detected by an experienced practitioner and are extremely important for prompt intervention and correction of the problem before irreversible damage is done. Signs and symptoms frequently noted early in the process and at peak pressure include increased restlessness, mental dullness, disorganized and unfocused behavior, such as plucking at the bedclothes, and increasingly severe headache. Another significant event is a transient worsening of the neurologic status as indicated by changes in the four classic signs and symptoms. These transient changes reflect a situation in which a critical volume of intracranial contents has been reached; small increases beyond that point are likely to lead to rapid and sustained increases in pressure. This situation demands immediate intervention for relief of compression of vital neuronal structures. Other protective measures for patients at risk for sudden increases in intracranial pressure include careful positioning to avoid flexion of the neck, extreme flexion of the hip, or the prone position. Elevating the head 15 to 30 degrees decreases baseline pressure. The patient also should avoid the Valsalva maneuver when moving about in bed and when defecating. Isometric exercises to avoid the hazards of immobility are contraindicated but passive range-of-motion exercises are not. In ICP monitoring, ventricular-fluid pressures are recorded from a zero baseline; the normal range is 0 to 15 mm Hg. Pressures usually are expressed in mm Hg rather than mm H2O in order to facilitate comparison with mean systemic arterial pressures. The difference between mean ventricular pressure and mean arterial pressure indicates the pressure at which the brain is being perfused with blood. ICP monitoring gives a far more accurate picture of forces at work within the closed cranial cavity than does clinical observation of the patient for signs of increased intracranial pressure. Most authorities agree that dangerously high levels of intracranial pressure exist well before clinical symptoms become evident. Invasive monitoring of pressure also provides access for cerebrospinal fluid drainage to relieve pressure, for procurement of samples of cerebrospinal fluid for laboratory evaluations, and for observation of volume--pressure responses to therapeutic intervention. ![]() Through the use of the intracranial pressure screw, elevations in intracranial pressure can be detected before changes in the vital signs and other symptoms of increased pressure become apparent. In this way measures can be taken to reduce the pressure before irreversible damage is done to the brain tissue. The major risks of the intracranial pressure screw are infection and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, either of which necessitates removal of the screw. in·tra·cra·ni·al(in'tră-krā'nē-ăl),intracranial(ĭn′trə-krā′nē-əl)intracranialadjective Within the skull.intracranialWithin the skull.Intracranialin·tra·cra·ni·al(in'tră-krā'nē-ăl) |
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