Acronym | Definition |
JASC➣Just Another Software Company |
JASC➣Journal of Archaeological Science (Elsevier) |
JASC➣Japan-America Student Conference |
JASC➣Just Another Software Company (Eden Prairie, MN) |
JASC➣Japan Sea Cable (geoelectric studies) |
JASC➣Jebel Ali Sailing Club (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) |
JASC➣Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology |
JASC➣Justice at Stake Campaign (Washington, DC) |
JASC➣Journal of the American Chemical Society |
JASC➣Jets and Software Company (maker of Paint Shop Pro) |
JASC➣Joint Actions Steering Committee |
JASC➣Journal of the Acoustical Society of America |
JASC➣Jane Adams Senior Caucus |
JASC➣Joint Aircraft-Stores Compatibility |
JASC➣JFACC (Joint Force Air Component Commander) Augmentation Staff Course (US Navy) |