Acronym | Definition |
JASA➣Journal of the American Statistical Association |
JASA➣Journal of the Acoustical Society of America |
JASA➣Jewish Association for Services for the Aged |
JASA➣Jane Austen Society of Australia |
JASA➣Japan Embedded Systems Technology Association |
JASA➣Japan Amateur Sports Association |
JASA➣Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture |
JASA➣Jacksonville Area Soccer Association (Jacksonville, NC) |
JASA➣Juice and Smoothie Association |
JASA➣Japan-America Society of Arkansas (est. 1994) |
JASA➣Joint Accreditation Support Activity |
JASA➣Japan-America Society of Alabama (Birmingham, AL) |
JASA➣Junior Achievement South Africa |
JASA➣Just Another Stupid Acronym |
JASA➣Jail Alternatives to Substance Abuse |
JASA➣Joint And Staff Activities |