three rock shelters (I, II, III) on the eastern slope of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains (at an elevation of about 1,400 m), northeast of Damascus (Syria). They were excavated by the German scholar A. Rust from 1931 to 1933. Rock shelter I offers the greatest scientific interest. It contains a Paleolithic habitation site with 25 archaeological levels, in which Lower Paleolithic Mousterian levels alternate with pre-Aurignacian levels (levels 15 and 13). The distinctive “Jabrud” Mousterian levels (25, 24, 22, 16, 14, and 11) are found at this site; they are noted for their abundance of so-called angular scrapers.
Rust, A. Die Hdhlenfunde von Jabrud (Syrien). Neumiinster, 1950.Bordes, F. Le Paleolithique dans le monde. Paris, 1968.