Acronym | Definition |
KDF➣Kraft Durch Freude (German: Strength Through Joy; Hitler's name for the original models of the Volkwagen Beetle in 1938) |
KDF➣Kentucky Derby Festival |
KDF➣Knowledge Discovery Framework |
KDF➣Key Derivation Function (cryptography) |
KDF➣Keep Drifting Fun (cars) |
KDF➣Kanagawa Design Forum (Kanagawa, Japan) |
KDF➣Kinetic Degradation Fluxion |
KDF➣Kinko's Document Format |
KDF➣Knocked Down Flat |
KDF➣Kentucky Division of Forestry |
KDF➣Klingon Defense Force (Star Trek) |
KDF➣Kyakulumbye Development Foundation (Uganda) |
KDF➣Kunst des Fechtens (Medieval School of German Fencing) |
KDF➣Knock Down Factor (material stress analysis) |
KDF➣Kit Definition File (Microsoft NT Embedded) |
KDF➣Kongelige Danske Fyrvæsen (Danish Lighthouse Authority/Lights and Buoys Service) |
KDF➣Kyrgyzstan Defense Force |