

单词 intoxication



I0203650 (ĭn-tŏk′sĭ-kā′shən)n.1. The impaired condition caused by use of alcohol or a drug or other chemical substance: slurred speech and other signs of alcohol intoxication.2. Poisoning by a toxic substance: spoiled silage that caused intoxication of cattle.3. Exhilaration, excitement, or euphoria: the intoxication of winning a race.


(ɪnˌtɒksɪˈkeɪʃən) n1. drunkenness; inebriation2. great elation3. the act of intoxicating4. (Medicine) poisoning


(ɪnˌtɒk sɪˈkeɪ ʃən)

n. 1. inebriation; drunkenness. 2. an act or instance of intoxicating. 3. overpowering exhilaration or excitement of the mind or emotions. 4. Pathol. poisoning. [1375–1425]
Noun1.intoxication - the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substanceintoxication - the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substancepoisoning, toxic conditionphysical condition, physiological condition, physiological state - the condition or state of the body or bodily functionsalkali poisoning - poisoning resulting from the ingestion of an alkali compound (as lye or ammonia)caffeine intoxication, caffeinism - poisoning resulting from excessive intake of caffeine containing productscarbon monoxide poisoning - a toxic condition that results from inhaling and absorbing carbon monoxide gas; "carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin and displaces oxygen in the blood"cyanide poisoning - poisoning due to ingesting or inhaling cyanide; common in smoke from fires and in industrial chemicalsergotism - poisoning by ingestion of ergot-infected grain products; characterized by thirst and diarrhea and nausea and cramping and vomiting and abnormal cardiac rhythms; in severe cases it can cause seizures and gangrene of the limbsmercury poisoning - a toxic condition caused by ingesting or inhaling mercury; acute mercury poisoning causes a metallic taste and vomiting and diarrhea and kidney problems that may lead to deathnaphthalene poisoning - toxic condition resulting from inhaling or ingesting naphthalenenicotine poisoning - toxic condition caused by the ingestion or inhalation of large amounts of nicotineophidism - poisoning by snake venomparaquat poisoning - poisoning caused by ingestion of paraquat; characterized by progressive damage to the esophagus and liver and kidneyspesticide poisoning - toxic condition resulting from ingesting or inhaling a pesticidesalicylate poisoning - poisoning caused by the excessive ingestion of salicylates (usually aspirin)
2.intoxication - a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcoholdrunkenness, inebriety, insobriety, tipsiness, inebriationtemporary state - a state that continues for a limited timegrogginess - a dazed and staggering state caused by alcoholsottishness - stupefaction from drink
3.intoxication - excitement and elation beyond the bounds of sobriety; "the intoxication of wealth and power"excitement, exhilaration - the feeling of lively and cheerful joy; "he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed"


noun1. drunkenness, inebriation, tipsiness, inebriety, insobriety Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking.2. excitement, euphoria, elation, exhilaration, infatuation, delirium, exaltation the intoxication of greed and success


nounThe condition of being intoxicated with alcoholic liquor:crapulence, drunkenness, inebriation, inebriety, insobriety, tipsiness.


(inˈtoksikeit) verb to make drunk. 使喝醉 使喝醉,使陶醉 inˌtoxiˈcation noun 喝醉 喝醉inˈtoxicating adjective 醉人的 醉人的
See Intoxication



condition of body tissue affected by a poisonous substance. Poisonous materials, or toxins, are to be found in heavy metals such as lead and mercury, in drugs, in chemicals such as alcohol and carbon tetrachloride, in gases such as carbon monoxide, and in radioactive materials. Toxins are also elaborated by the microorganisms that cause such diseases as diphtheria, tetanus, and botulism. The body itself may produce poisonous substances in the course of such disorders as diabetes (ketones) and in some infectious diseases. Which body tissues are affected depends on the type of toxin. Phosphorus, for example, affects the liver, poisonous mushrooms the nervous system and red blood cells. See alcoholismalcoholism,
disease characterized by impaired control over the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism is a serious problem worldwide; in the United States the wide availability of alcoholic beverages makes alcohol the most accessible drug, and alcoholism is the most
..... Click the link for more information.
; leprosyleprosy
or Hansen's disease
, chronic, mildly infectious malady capable of producing, when untreated, various deformities and disfigurements. It is caused by the rod-shaped bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, first described by G.
..... Click the link for more information.
; lead poisoninglead poisoning
or plumbism
, intoxication of the system by organic compounds containing lead. These enter the body by respiration (of dust, fumes, or sprays) or by ingestion of food or other substances that contain lead.
..... Click the link for more information.
; radiation sicknessradiation sickness,
harmful effect produced on body tissues by exposure to radioactive substances. The biological action of radiation is not fully understood, but it is believed that a disturbance in cellular activity results from the chemical changes caused by ionization (see
..... Click the link for more information.



poisoning of the body by toxic substances that have formed within the body itself or have entered it from without.

Toxins that have entered the body from without (exogenous toxins) include poisons of animal or plant origin (bacterial toxins, snake venom), industrial poisons (arsenic, lead, benzene), drugs (when taken without a physician’s supervision or in case of individual intolerance), and war gases. Among the toxic products formed within the body itself (endogenous) are the substances formed in severe liver and kidney diseases, metabolic disorders, and endocrine impairment, microbial toxins (in infectious diseases), and products of tissue breakdown (in malignant tumors, extensive burns, and so forth). Intoxication by substances formed within the body is called autointoxication. Poisonings by hormonal products are called toxicoses (poisonings caused by exogenous poisons are sometimes also called toxicoses). The pathogenic effect depends on the amount of poison, the duration of action, the physicochemical and biological properties of the poisons, and the reactivity of the body. Toxic substances may act either directly on tissues or after being absorbed by individual organs or systems (chiefly the nervous, cardiovascular, and hematopoietic). They can inhibit the saturation of the blood with oxygen and can disrupt various metabolic (biochemical) processes.

The steps taken in cases of poisoning aim at removing the poisons from the body as quickly as possible. These measures include the use of antidotes and symptomatic agents and cleaning the blood in an artificial kidney. The primary disease in which toxins are formed should be treated in cases of autointoxication.




the condition that results from the ingestion of alcohol and other narcotics, in which the physiological functions of the body are disturbed and the central nervous system is primarily affected.

The symptoms of intoxication include euphoria—an exaggerated sense of well-being not in keeping with real events—and emotional excitement that in severe cases changes into depression. Intoxicated persons lose sight of the role of their own personality and are unable to realistically appraise their situation. Disturbances of memory, attention, speech, and motor coordination also arise. Alcoholic beverages are the most common intoxicant; 20 percent of the alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood from the stomach, and 80 percent from the intestine. The alcohol selectively accumulates in the brain, where its concentration is 75 percent higher than in the blood.

Three degrees of alcoholic intoxication can be described. Mild intoxication may ensue after ingesting an average of 30–40 g of pure alcohol. It is characterized by moderate excitement, a sensation of warmth in the body, and a decrease in the quality of physical and mental performance. Ingestion of an average of 50–100 g of pure alcohol results in moderate intoxication. This is characterized by a sharply expressed, prolonged stage of excitement during which the intoxicated person demands attention, persistently attempts to communicate with others, and frequently becomes involved in crimes, injuries, and accidents. This stage of emotional excitement is followed by depression, characterized by sluggishness and drowsiness.

Sobering is usually accompanied by the symptoms of hangover—general exhaustion, nausea, and headache.

Severe intoxication results when 100–300 g of pure alcohol are ingested. A brief period of violent excitement, lasting from one-half to one hour, is followed by deep sleep. Sobering occurs within six to eight hours and is accompanied by considerable exhaustion. Severe intoxication can result in death. For adults, a lethal dose of alcohol is 4–8 g per kg of body weight, and for children, 3 g per kg of body weight.

Ordinary intoxication is contrasted with pathological intoxication, a rare disorder that occurs with relatively small doses of alcoholic beverages and is manifested by the sudden onset of a twilight state. Pathological intoxication can be accompanied by dangerous aggressive acts. (See ALCOHOLISM and NARCOMANIA.)


Baliakin, V. A. Toksikologiia i ekspertiza alkogol’nogo op’ianeniia. Moscow, 1962.
Strel’chuk, I. V. Ostraia i khronicheskaia intoksikatsiia alkogolem, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1973.
Herber, F. Alkohol. Prozente. Promille. Probleme. Berlin, 1971.



[in‚täk·sə′kā·shən] (medicine) Poisoning. The state produced by overindulgence in alcohol.



 [in-tok″sĭ-ka´shun] 1. stimulation, excitement, or impaired judgment caused by a chemical substance, or as if by one.2. intoxication" >substance intoxication, especially that due to ingestion of alcohol (see discussion at alcoholism). Alcohol intoxication is defined legally according to a person's blood alcohol level; the definition is 0.10 per cent or more in most states in the U.S. and 0.8 per cent or more in Canada.3. poisoning.alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication a term previously used for marked behavioral change, usually belligerence, produced by ingestion of small amounts of alcohol that would not cause intoxication in most persons. It is now felt that there is no evidence for a distinction between this condition and any other form of alcohol intoxication.caffeine intoxication caffeinism (def. 2).cannabis intoxication physiological and psychological symptoms following the smoking of marijuana or hashish, including euphoria, preoccupation with auditory and visual stimuli, and apathy. Intoxication occurs almost immediately after smoking and peaks within 30 minutes.pathological intoxication alcohol idiosyncratic i.substance intoxication a type of substance-induced disorder, consisting of reversible, substance-specific, maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes directly resulting from the physiologic effects on the central nervous system of recent ingestion of or exposure to a drug of abuse, medication, or toxin. Specific cases are named on the basis of etiology, e.g., alcohol intoxication.water intoxication a condition resulting from undue retention of water with decrease in sodium concentration, marked by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, and mild mental aberrations; in severe cases there may be convulsions and coma.


toxicophobia, iophobia.


(poy'zŏn-ing), 1. The administering of poison. 2. The state of being poisoned. Synonym(s): intoxication (1)


(ĭn-tŏk′sĭ-kā′shən)n.1. The impaired condition caused by use of alcohol or a drug or other chemical substance: slurred speech and other signs of alcohol intoxication.2. Poisoning by a toxic substance: spoiled silage that caused intoxication of cattle.


1. A pathologic state induced by an exogenous or,less commonly, endogenous toxic substance.2. Drunkenness, inebriation Toxicology Too much of a bad or, less commonly, a good thing. See Arsenic intoxication, Chromium intoxication, Iodine intoxication, Scombroid intoxication, Selenium intoxication, Toxicology, Vitamin A intoxication, Vitamin C intoxication, Vitamin D intoxication, Vitamin E intoxication, Vitamin K intoxication, Water intoxication, Zinc intoxication.


(in-tok'si-kā'shŭn) 1. Synonym(s): poisoning. 2. Temporary acute alcoholism.
Synonym(s): inebriation.
[L. in, in, + G. toxikon, poison]


1. The action of a poison of any kind on an organism. 2. Drunkenness or alcoholic poisoning. From the Latin intoxicare , meaning to smear with poison.


The desired mental, physical, or emotional state produced by a substance.Mentioned in: Substance Abuse and Dependence


Related to Intoxication: Alcohol intoxication


A state in which a person's normal capacity to act or reason is inhibited by alcohol or drugs.

Generally, an intoxicated person is incapable of acting as an ordinary prudent and cautious person would act under similar conditions. In recognition of this factor, the law may allow intoxication to be used as a defense to certain crimes. In many jurisdictions, intoxication is a defense to specific-intent crimes. The underlying rationale is that the intoxicated individual cannot possess the requisite mental state necessary to establish the offense.

Other jurisdictions recognize it as a defense to general-intent crimes as well. For example, although rape is commonly considered a general-intent crime, there are states in which extreme intoxication may be alleged as a defense. It is unlikely, however, that the defense will be successful in such cases absent proof that the defendant was so intoxicated that he or she could not form the intent to have intercourse.

In Homicide cases, intoxication is relevant to negate premeditation and deliberation necessary for first-degree murder. When the defense is successfully interposed, it will reduce a charge of first-degree murder to second-degree murder.

When a person is forced to consume an intoxicant against his or her will, the person is involuntarily intoxicated. In most jurisdictions, the defense of involuntary intoxication is treated similarly to the Insanity Defense. For example, an intoxicated person who cannot distinguish right from wrong at the time of committing the wrongful act would have a valid defense.


n. 1) the condition of being drunk as the result of drinking alcoholic beverages and/or use of narcotics. In the eyes of the law this definition may differ depending on the situation to which it is applied. 2) In drunk driving (DUI, DWI) the standard of intoxication varies by state between .08 and .10 alcohol in the bloodstream, or a combination of alcohol and narcotics which would produce the same effect even though the amount of alcohol is below the minimum. 3) In public drunkenness the standard is subjective, meaning the person must be unable to care for himself, be dangerous to himself or others, be causing a disturbance, or refuse to leave or move along when requested. 4) Intoxication as a defense in a criminal case in which the claim is made by the defendant that he/she was too intoxicated to form an intent to commit the crime or to know what he/she was doing, the amount of intoxication is subjective but higher than for drunk driving. There is also the question if the intoxication was an intentional aforethought to the crime ("I wanted to get drunk so I had the nerve to kill her.") Thus, unintentional intoxication can show lack of capacity to form an intent and thus reduce the possible level of conviction and punishment, as from voluntary (intentional) manslaughter down to involuntary (unintentional but through a wrongful act) manslaughter. However, in vehicular manslaughter, the intoxication is an element in the crime, whether getting drunk was intentional or not, since criminal intent was not a factor. (See: vehicular manslaughter)


Related to intoxication: Alcohol intoxication
  • noun

Synonyms for intoxication

noun drunkenness


  • drunkenness
  • inebriation
  • tipsiness
  • inebriety
  • insobriety

noun excitement


  • excitement
  • euphoria
  • elation
  • exhilaration
  • infatuation
  • delirium
  • exaltation

Synonyms for intoxication

noun the condition of being intoxicated with alcoholic liquor


  • crapulence
  • drunkenness
  • inebriation
  • inebriety
  • insobriety
  • tipsiness

Synonyms for intoxication

noun the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance


  • poisoning
  • toxic condition

Related Words

  • physical condition
  • physiological condition
  • physiological state
  • alkali poisoning
  • caffeine intoxication
  • caffeinism
  • carbon monoxide poisoning
  • cyanide poisoning
  • ergotism
  • mercury poisoning
  • naphthalene poisoning
  • nicotine poisoning
  • ophidism
  • paraquat poisoning
  • pesticide poisoning
  • salicylate poisoning

noun a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol


  • drunkenness
  • inebriety
  • insobriety
  • tipsiness
  • inebriation

Related Words

  • temporary state
  • grogginess
  • sottishness

noun excitement and elation beyond the bounds of sobriety

Related Words

  • excitement
  • exhilaration




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