July 12, 2014

July 12, 2014


Apollonian Games (July 6-13)
Bascarsija Nights (July)
Baths of Caracalla (First week in July to second week in August)
Boston Pops (First week in May through middle of July)
Dog Days (July 3-August 11)
Durham Miners' Gala (Second Saturday of July)
Fur Trade Days (Second weekend in July)
Gettysburg Civil War Heritage Days (First week in July)
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games and Gathering of Scottish Clans (Second full weekend in July)
Great Schooner Race (First week in July)
Green River Rendezvous (Second weekend in July)
Guthrie Folk Festival (Week of July 14)
Hakata Gion Yamagasa (July 1-15)
Kiribati Independence Day
Kuwana Ishitori Matsuri (July 10-12)
Lindenfest (Second weekend in July)
Montreal Jazz Festival (Last weekend in June through first week in July)
Moose Dropping Festival (Second weekend in July)
Moxie Festival (Second weekend in July)
Naadam (July 11-13)
Orange Day
Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Festival (First week in July)
S‹o Tome and Principe National Independence Day
San Fermin Festival (July 6-14)
Wayne Chicken Show (Second Saturday in July)
Wedding FestivitiesCelebrated in: Macedonia
Winnipeg Folk Festival (Second weekend in July)

Legal Holidays by Countries

Battle of the BoyneNorthern Ireland
Birthday of the Heir to the Crown of TongaTonga
Independence DayKiribati, Sao Tome and Principe