Julius Zeyer
Zeyer, Julius
Born Apr. 26, 1891, in Prague; died there Jan. 29, 1901. Czech poet.
Zeyer began to publish in the 1870’s. His best-known works are cycles of patriotic verses devoted to the legendary past of Czechoslovakia—Višegrad (1880) and The Arrival of the Czech (1886). Zeyer is the author of a number of plays and prose works. He was interested in Russian culture and visited Russia several times.
Spisy, vols. 1–34. Prague, 1902–07.In Russian translation:
[Stikhotvoreniia.] In Antologiia cheshskoi poesii, vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.
Fučik, J. Tři studie: B. Němcovă, K. Sabina, J. Zeyer. Prague, 1947.Ocherki istorii cheshskoi literalury XIX-XX vv. Moscow, 1963. (See name index.)