Kalos Limen

Kalos Limen


(literally “beautiful harbor”), an ancient Greek city in the region north of the Black Sea, founded at the end of the fourth century b. c. Its ruins are situated 1. 5 km northwest of the village of Chernomorskoe in Crimean Oblast, Ukrainian SSR. Research and excavations were conducted in 1837–38, 1929, 1934, 1948, 1950, and 1959. Defensive walls with towers have been discovered as well as the remains of houses; amphorae (from Chersonesus, Sinope, Heraclea, and Rhodes); black-figure, red-figure, and modeled pottery; millstones; grain mortars; and terra-cotta figurines. The city’s destruction dates from the second century b. c. and is connected with Diophantos’ wars against the Scythians. In the upper layers of the site of the city, remains of the material culture of the first through third centuries a. d. and of medieval times have been discovered.


Nalivkina, M. A. “Kerkinitida i Kalos-Limen.” In the collection Antich-nyi gorod. Moscow, 1963.
Shcheglov, A. N. “Issledovaniia sel’skoi okrugi Kalos-Limena.” Sovet-skaia arkheologiia, 1967, no. 3. [1 1–674–3]