


(maintenance) full support or assistance that is a permanent, basic source of the means of existence. In the USSR, izhdivenie is ordinarily assigned, legally or voluntarily, to disabled persons. The fact that a person is receiving this support is of legal importance in many instances, such as in the case of possible benefits following loss of a breadwinner, supplements to state pensions for old age and disability, subsidies, compensation for loss, inheritance, awarding of tax privileges, and payment for an apartment. If the necessary documents are missing, the fact of this status may be established by a court. In statistics a distinction is drawn between persons receiving this support from the state and cooperative and public organizations (pensioners, stipend students, children being raised in children’s homes, students on state support, and persons living in homes for the aged and the disabled) and those receiving support from private citizens (children, housewives, and others).


Astrakhan, E.I. Trudovoe uvech’e i izhdivenstvo. Moscow, 1967.
Malein, N.S. Prava netrudosposobnykh ishdiventsev. Moscow, 1963.