in the neighborhood of (some amount)

in the neighborhood of (some amount)

Approximately some amount; close to some amount. We're going to have to spend in the neighborhood of $20,000 for this renovation.See also: neighborhood, of

(somewhere) in the neighborhood of something

Fig. approximately a particular amount or measurement. I take somewhere in the neighborhood of ten pills a day for my various ailments. My rent is in the neighborhood of $700 per month.See also: neighborhood, of

in the neighborhood of

Also, in the region of. Approximately, about, as in They paid in the neighborhood of a million dollars, or I don't know exactly what the exchange rate is-somewhere in the region of 95 yen to the dollar . The first expression dates from the mid-1800s, the variant from the mid-1900s. See also: neighborhood, of

in the neighbourhood of

(of a number or an amount) approximately; not exactly: It cost in the neighbourhood of £500.See also: neighbourhood, of