Istoricheskii Zhurnal
Istoricheskii Zhurnal
(Historical Journal), a monthly popular and scholarly journal, published in Moscow from 1937 to 1945 as a sequel to the journal Bor’ba klassov (The Class Struggle). The journal was published by the Society of Marxist Historians of the Communist Academy and of the academy’s Institute of History. It became the organ of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in December 1941. Istoricheskii zhurnal was merged with the journal Istorik-Marksist’m 1941. The journal Voprosy istorii replaced Istoricheskii zhurnal in 1945. The editors in chief of Istoricheskii zhurnal were B.M. Volin (1937–41) and then Em. Iaroslavskii. The journal published articles on the history of the USSR and the CPSU, world history, and historiography and the study of sources, as well as methodological articles on the teaching of history in school. There was a section devoted to criticism and bibliography in Istoricheskii zhurnal.